What would you do?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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This was being debated on another site I visit.

If bothhumans and animals (pets, wildlife, etc)lives were in danger, who would you choose to save?

(obviously humans are animals, but you know what I mean).

Just wondered what people here think.
Easy . . .

I'd save the person over the animal, unless that personwas an ARA.

In that case, I'dsave the dog ;)

I'm sorry, but i'm going to sound COMPLETELY stupid: what EXACTLY is an Animal rights activist? I mean what's bad about them? I've heard about them before and used to know why they were bad but i forgot. *smacks self in head* lol

Flashy wrote:
Dare I ask what an ARA is?

They would be the kind of people that would sneak onto your property and release all of your buns....let them loose into the wild.....to ultimately die.....because they feel that no animal should be kept as a pet.

They might also report you to the HS or ASPCA for cruel or inhumane treatment of your buns. This way your buns could be taken away from you....to a shelter....where they would waste away.

These people are not the sharpest tools in the shed.....IMO of course.

Errik actually asked me this once in an argument...and it ended up with me screaming so loud the cops were called :?(By the neighbors, not Errik lol)

For me..it all depends on the situation and what would be the best outcome. I can't give you a generalized answer.
I think it all depends. Which animal which person. I would ALWAYS choose a child over an animal. Than it is a case by case basis. Other than the young members on my fathers side the rest can fend for them self.
If my partner or a family member was injured and couldn't get themselves out, then for sure, I would help them first. You can choose your pets but you can't choose your family, once they are gone that's it.
:laugh:pam, that wasfunny!

And must admit I've already told my elderly Mom that she'd better suss out the exits because if the place catches on fire, she's on her own, I'm going for the bunnies. :embarrassed:

sas :bunnydance:

Ryan and I have had so many arguements over this, but he asks...

"Who would you save first? Would you save a hurt or hungry child on the street or a hurt or hungry dog on the street?"

No doubt...the dpg. I've been called "heartless" because of this (not by Ryan, but other people when this type of question comes up)....but I've just always loved animals more than I have loved people.
undergunfire wrote:
Ryan and I have had so many arguements over this, but he asks...

"Who would you save first? Would you save a hurt or hungry child on the street or a hurt or hungry dog on the street?"

No doubt...the dpg. I've been called "heartless" because of this (not by Ryan, but other people when this type of question comes up)....but I've just always loved animals more than I have loved people.
I see it as...others would be more willing to help the child while not a lot would be willing to help the animal. I have to go for the less popular choice so more can be helped.

Generally, I would choose humans.. just because it would be so much more of a painful loss to friends, family and loved ones. Pets are soimportant and loved, but it would be someone's mother, daughter, father, son, aunt, uncle, etc. being lost...
It depends on the situation I think.... I would save my human family over my animal family, but save my animal family over human strangers. Although to be honest if both my human and animal family were in danger I'd try and save both or die trying - to me my animal family are just furry, four-footedhumans.:D
Oooh... I felt really bad about my answer, until I saw Undergunfire's post ( :hug2: !! )
I feel the same way...
If I had to choose between saving an animal I don't know from dying, or saving a person I don't know from dying.... I think I would pick the animal. As terrible as that might make me :shhhh:
If it was between a human I -do- know and an animal I don't, though, I would pick the human.
And if it was between an animal I know AND a human I know.... Yeeee....er........It depends on the human *Is baaad* If I know, like....OF them, but I'm not really friends with them, or if they hate my guts and vice versa, then I'd probably save the animal.
But like....if it was between my mom and my cat?
Hang in there, mommy, I'm comin' for ya !!

When I was eight years old, our house burned down. I'll never forget the tears in the fire fighters eyes - a total stranger. They were able to get my Mom out, but not our Blue Heeler. The man was in tears as he apologized for not getting Bailey out but let me know my family and my Mom were all safe.

I could not imagine the roles reversed - a total stranger apologizing for not getting my Mom to safety, but trying to console me by letting me know my pet was safe.

I would try to help the human first. Situations are so hard to foresee. To me a human is more than an animal but if all options are exhausted and I cant help the person I may try for an animal.

I would not be as strong as people depicted in movies, to stay with a human with no hope of survival I don't think.
I'm going to have to say animal too. Humans can take care of themselves for the most part, animals who have been domesticated have trouble taking care of themselves. If there was a bunny and an injured person I would shove the bunny in my shirt and drag the person out...

Honestly I'd probably end up trying to save them both and end up destroying us all :p
I feel I should probably put my views in.

I think it would depend on the situation, i.e. what the problem was, what animals/people were involved, was anyone unconscious or ill, or unable to get out themselves (people and animals alike).

I honestly think though That I would probably adopt Bunnys_rule63's attitude and would try to save them all and die trying.
I would absolutely save the human first. Leaf was talking about the firefighter trying to save her doggie after saving her mom. I'm pursuing an Emergency Management degree and will join one of the big city fire departments when I get my degree. In my line of work, it would be absolutely inexcusable to save an animal over a person. I'd be thrown in jail. Aside from that though, I would save a person over an animal, even if it was someone I didn't know versus my sweet Rory. As much as I love animals, I value human life more. Now, if it were a serial rapist or child molester or someone "bad", then I'd rather have the animal live. I guess it might seem like a double standard, but hey.

On the other hand, my desire to be a firefighter actually stemmed from a lifelong fear that Cinnabun would die in a fire and I'd have to rescue him. If I were present at an emergency, I would first try to save the people, but if I could I would absolutely try to rescue the animal as well.

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