Everything I have read says that they are veryhappy little bunnies. They tend to be happy cuddling orrunning and playing.
Bo, my mini-rex, is off and on. Some days he doesn't wantanything to do with me. He wants to run and be "wild" and ifI am not on time with something I get informed! On thosedays, if I try to cuddle him, he will dig and nip me and do anything toget away. Mind you he's happy, just not being held!These are the bunny 500 days, the huge binkies and chase the cat days.
Then there are the lovey days (like yesterday) .... he played a bit,but was very happy to snuggle with me or my daughter. Itseemed he lived to get ear rubs, cheek rubs and nose rubs!
Those days are balanced well for me I guess.