What went wrong :(

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Northern, California, USA
I lost my bunny Sprinkles last Saturday. I dontunderstand what went wrong. I was hoping somone from here could help mefind out what made her sick...

About 2 weeks ago Sprinkles started acting a lil strange. She usualysits under a table and she started sitting with her butt in the cornorof the wall. I thought it was strange but I kept watching her and thenext day she returned to normal, or so I thought. Then Friday the 1stshe did it again and seemed to be having trouble getting comfortable,but who dosent sometimes...I climbed under the table to check on herand she ran away like she usualy does when she dosent want to bepetted, so figured she was ok. I went out for a few hours and when Igot back I gave her food and she didnt want to go back to her cage so Ilet her stay out. The next day I woke up and she way sitting by thefront door cold and barley breathing...I rushed her to the vet but bythe time I got there she had passed. When I was saying goodbye to her Inoticed she had some crusty stuff near her nose like if she had astuffy nose...other then the night before, she was hopping around andeating...any thought?

I really miss her. She was the first thing I saw in the morning, when Igot home frome work and before I went to bed. I talked to her more thenanyone else and loved her very very much. I'm afraid it was my faultthat I missed something,if i hadshe wouldstill be here..:(

this picture was taken only 3 days before her passing.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I can't imagine howtough that is for you. The only thing I can think of would bethe snuffles, or pasteurella ( i may be spelling it wrong)Pasteurella is a bacteria that bunnies always have in their bodies, butare triggered, and cause white "snot" or discharge. I'm sureothers can elaborate, or just explain better.
Again, I am so sorry you lost your bunny. But it doesn't sound like it was something you did wrong.
I'm so sorry, HoneyBunnie.

I can hear the pain you're in and it really breaks my heart.It's hard to say what happened to your little one. The onlyway you could really tell would be having the vet do anexam.

It could've been anything. Was she sneezing, eyesrunny? Was she pooping? Sometimes when they strainto go to the bathroom it could be a UTI or kidney disease.There's so many possibilities that I wouldn't want to tell yousomething and have you misled.

I think all of us blame ourselves when our rabbits pass on - thinkingwe could've done something to prevent it or stop it. I dowish you wouldn't beat yourself up. If you had thought it wasas serious as it turned out, you definitely would've acted on it rightaway. Try not to be angry with yourself for notknowing.

There's a poem called the Rainbow Bridge. It's brought a lotof comfort to many people, including myself when one of my charges oranimals passed on.http://petloss.com/poems/maingrp/rainbowb.htm

I hope this doesn't discourage you from getting another rabbit, butwould understand and support your decision either way. Willdefinitely be thinking and praying for you tonight.

I'm so sorry.


She wasent sneezing, and she didnt have runnyeyes, as you can see in the picture...The only thing I say out of placeway a lack of poo, but I had just cleaned the cage not to long ago, andsometimes she was bad and went someplace else.

I really miss her. I havent touched her cage and everytime I come homeI automatically look at her cage when I walk in the door expecting herto be sitting ther waiting for me to let her out.:(She alwayswould wait on her shelf and would click her nails on the shelf to letme know she was there and she was waiting.
I can't really give any other thoughts then whatwere already offered, but I wanted to say how sorry I am for yourloss. She looked a lot like my Basil. I knowCarolyn posted the link for the rainbow bridge, I hope it brings yousome comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


*Bunny Hugs* from Daisy, Sage, Basil, Elvis, Orion and Saphy
I'm very sorry for your loss. It's always hard, but when it's so unexpected it's just harder...

You mentioned you didn't see feces that she pressed her rear againstthe wall and had trouble getting comfortable. Perhaps she had ablockage in her bowl. Did she eat anything that wasn't digestable? Likecarpet. Or had she ever had a problem with hairballs? That's my onlyguess, but I'm by no means an expert.
I wanted to say I am sorry for your loss. I alsojust lost a rabbit. I blamed myself but there is nothing we can get outof blaming ourselves. I really hope you get another bunny!! Your bunnylooks so adorable, a little like my bun, Bell.

Again I am so sorry for your loss.
Sorry honeybunnie8,

Don't blame yourself. Anything could of happened toSprinkles. That is a nice picture of her.Hope she is happy at Rainbow Bridge.


Completely understand what you mean about the cage and the whole area.You look at their favorite places, and they should be there. All of thesudden, you're not as upset about the bite marks she may have leftsomewhere because now, it's a sign that she was there. The cage sitsempty, as does your heart longing for her.

Do let yourself cry. Your tears will be tears of healing. You'll neverstop missing her, but the agony will become more manageable.

Believe me, I've cried harder for some animals I've lost than some people.

Thoughts and prayers continue for you.
So sorry, its so tough to lose a little friend.

I'd side with EEEM on the guess that it was a blockage or somethingelse related to digestion, just because it happens so easily inbunnies, and backing into a corner is usually what bunnies do whenthey're at least trying to poo or pee.

I was hearingabout it happening to other bunnies sooften,that when I first got Pipp, I was practically countingand measuing ever poo. (Progressively smaller poos and nopoos are a sign of trouble). They're so very delicate, andI'm terrified of losingher.

I was going way overboard, but when you get another bunny (and there issomebunny out there who needs a loving caregiver like you), try andmonitor their output very closely. If there's a problem, somethings that might help get their systems back to normal are lots of hayand maybe raw oats (and fresh pineapple and/or cannedpumpkin).Be prepared to get to the vet if there'sconstipation or diarrhea for more than a day or two,even ifthey don't appear to be that sick.

They can go downhill so very quickly before most anybodywouldeven notice,so don'tfeel like you did anythingwrong. And it may not have been that at all.Bunnies just don't tell you when they're sick. :(


Sprinkles always got tons of timothy hay...She was starting to shed though...I dont know...

Thanks guys, its nice to know that some people understand. Most peoplejust dont understand and think "its just a bunny" but there not....theyare muchmore then 'just a bunny"

I feel bad for my chinchilla who thought that she was his girlfriend,he would groom her whenever he was out at the same time. Now he'smissing a friend also.

here are some more photos of herhttp://aprilrobberts.tripod.com/sprinkles/
honeybunnie8 wrote:
Sprinkles always got tons of timothy hay...She was starting to shed though...I dont know...

Thanks guys, its nice to know that some people understand. Most peoplejust dont understand and think "its just a bunny" but there not....theyare much more then 'just a bunny"

I feel bad for my chinchilla who thought that she was his girlfriend,he would groom her whenever he was out at the same time. Now he'smissing a friend also.

here are some more photos of herhttp://aprilrobberts.tripod.com/sprinkles/

Chinchillas are GREAT Pets, i have a friend who has two girls..

Bunnys can get sick really easy, and usually dont show signs rightaway, and when they finally do its pretty far along. None of this isyour fault, and if you do end up getting another bunny in the futureyoull know some of the signs Sprinkles Showed you so youll be morealert to whats up. *hugs* she was such a cutie in that pic you showedus!

and you can always come here if you feel upset about her!
Sorry, I meant making sure the bunnyeatsmore than usual amount ofhay, somebody heresuggested taking away the pellets of one bunny to make sure they did.

Bunnies with thevery best of care still get sick, shownosigns, and pass away, its nothing you did or didn'tdo. The only thing left to analyse (and only because youasked) is just to try and recognize somenearly invisiblesymptoms and try and react with possible (and sometimes obsure)remedies.

One very common bunny ailment is a blockage caused byfurballs. That's where pineapple and pumpkin are said to helpwith digesting them.

And again, I hope you get another bunny, for the bunny's sake, s/he'llbe getting such a good home (as well asfor yourpoorchinchilla's sake!)

My heart goes out to you. I lost my babyso suddenly too. I was devastated completely. It is almost a year sincewe lost her and we still cry. Please don't blame yourself. I did thatand it really doesn't help and it isn't necesary. You did everythingyou could. I can't say how sorry I am. I need to dry my eyesand get myself under control. I'm sorry for you. so so sorry.

This is a beautiful picture of Sprinkles, the Easter Bunny.

She certainly was loved and lucky to have been in such a wonderful home.

She's beautiful and watching over. You'll see her againsomeday and then you'll never have to say good-byeagain.

I love her name. :)


P.S. You could use this picture as your avatar.

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