What was your all time christmas present

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Brandy456 wrote:
I put it up every year since I got it, it's a tradition..
Except.. this year I can't find it.. :cry4:
It's the thought and memories that count. :hug1

I remember when I was about 10, a family wanted to give me a Christmas present. They were very poor but bought me a small Hot Wheels car. I was so humbled and even though I don't have it anymore, it is something I will always remember.
I think your dad would be very proud of you. :bunnyheart
Brandy456 wrote:
Oh gosh, uhm.

It's not exactly a gift, but more of a seasonal thing.

I got a snowman glass ornament from the tree a few years before my dad passed away..

I put it up every year since I got it, it's a tradition..

Except.. this year I can't find it.. :cry4:

I'm going to look for it tomorrow.. but if I can't it's going to be a rough Christmas.
I use to have these little angle statues, they are about an inch tall , and there was three of them and every year growing up i would put them out and they had to be in the perfect order. The angles had to be put in a certain place. Well they were my moms and one year when she got her decorations out she gave them to me i was sssssssssoooooooooooooo excited, they are displayed all year round on my mantel in the kitchen, and since that i got a few more from my grandmother that she had.

I am so sorry and hope that you find your snowman ornament. Relax and you will find it
Mine was a wooden wall plaque that my son made for me when he was around 10. He worked on it at school every day, hiding it from me and not divulging a thing about it. On Christmas morning he was so excited, he handed me his present and told me to open it right away. I did, and I think that's the first time I ever cried over a present.

In this beautiful piece of wood my son had meticulously hand-carved, "To the BEST mom in the world. - Your son, Stephen"

That was the most heartfelt, wonderful present I have ever received.

**Brandy, when I read your post it reminded me of what I went through after I lost my mom. I was 10 when she passed away, and one of the things I had of hers that I cherished was an old china doll that her mother had given to her...I believe it was her mother's when she was a little girl too, so it was very old. One day I decided to rearrange the furniture in my room, and the china doll was on top of my dresser, leaning against the wall. I guess you know what happened...I pulled the dresser away from the wall and the doll fell, shattering into hundreds of pieces. It was absolutely beyond repair. I put myself through so much anguish over that, but you know I finally came to realize that as much as we cherish things our loved ones leave to us, they really are just symbols. If anything happens to them we feel hurt, but the most treasured gift your dad has given to you is his love, which stays with you no matter what.

I do hope you find your snowman, but even if it doesn't show up right now, remember that your dad is there with you in spirit, surrounding you with his love. My mom is always with me, has been for all these years, and that is what I think they want us to know and acknowledge more than anything else.

You'll have a wonderful Christmas....:hug:
Probably my all-time favorite present was this huge authentic victorian doll house my aunt, uncle, and mom all got together to get for me. I adored that thing and I had wanted it for years :biggrin2:.

An engagement ring for a Christmas present would be SO romantic!!! :inlove: I don't think my guy would think of that, he's not romantic at all :p.

When me and my brother were little kids, we got a trampoline, it was awesome! We kept it from when I was about 7 until I was 20. By then it was mostly fallen apart and lost half it's springs and was full of holes, but we were so reluctant to get rid of it.
My favorite present(s) came the same year and they are sort of tied for "favorite" in my mind. I don't remember if I was 14, 15 or 16 - I think I was probably around14 because my dad might still have been living with us - but then again - maybe not.

I had received lots of presents - but in my stocking was a fountain pen in a pretty box. I don't remember the box (other than the fact that it was boxed) - but I do remember the fountain pen. It had a couple of ink cartridges and I just loved that pen. It felt like an "adult" thing and since I loved to write - even back then - it was really special to me.

The other gift that year - was in the very bottom of my stocking - and it was a sapphire ring (my birthstone). Wow - I was in shock (I hadn't asked for one or even thought of one). But it made me feel "pretty" and "grown up". I had that ring for years - until sometime after I was married and if I remember right - the stone fell out and I lost it.

However, those two presents together - meant a lot to me. In a way - it was like the end of my childhood and "toys" (which I still love) but they were the first adult-type gifts I'd ever received.

The really neat thing is - to this day I still love pretty pens and fountain pens and my husband is so in tune with me - that if he knows I'm having a rough time and he wants to buy me something special that isn't candy - he'll pick me up a nice pen - and for our 25th anniversary - he picked me up a really REALLY nice pen set from the airport in London on his way home from Afghanistan. He said he looked at the various pens for over an hour and the clerk finally said, "You're not buying for yourself...are you?" He explained that his wife loved fountain pens so he bought me a set that had a fountain pen and a ballpoint pen.

Isn't it funny the things that can mean so much to us?
ha ha ha i too have a thing for pens i am always in search of the PERFECT Pen, one that is nice to the touch, and writes great. HA HA i thought i was the only one who liked pens
My best Christmas present ever?......

A BOUNCING BABY BOY, 9 LBS AND7 oz, and just 1 day overdue!! He arrived 17 years ago, and actually on the morning of December 26th.

I can't believe he is nearly a grown man now. Our Joshua has had many trials and has been very much of a challenge to his parents (he's had bi-polar disorder, clinical depression, post-traumatic stress, and several other mental health conditions since he was 8 years old). But, thank goodness God gives mothers (and dads) never ending love. MOST days I wouldn't trade him for anything. He is extraordinairly bright (genius IQ) and articulate. We laugh together a lot, because we have a similar (bizarre) sense of humor. My husband just shakes his head when Joshua and I get going.

Does anybody else out there have Christmas babies? (I do know of at least one Christmas-born bunny...)

My Hollys a christmas baby and I wouldn't trade her for anything ever....she is rarely bad... her whole first year was a battle because she stayed sick and we spent a lot of time at doctors ... but am proud to say she is healthy now...
My brother-inlaw has his birthday today (Dec.26).
Every year we would go Boxing Day shopping (the US version of Black Friday) and then meet up at a restaurant for supper.
But this year he is taking a holiday in Hong Kong andflew out onChristmas. He did leave us a list of things to get for himon Boxing Day. :p
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
wabitmom what a great present!!!!!! my mom was born on the 27th of Dec.
I agree, he really is.

I think the December babies born after Christmas have it a little easier than the pre-Christmas ones. Even though everyone's kinda tired, at least we don't "forget" their special day because we're too busy!

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