Korr: black mixed breed with 'normal' fur. He is about 4.5 years old. He sheds quite a bit, especailly when moulting. I have a Furminator that really helps with that. He doesn't require a ton of grooming though.
Penelope: Lionhead with slightly longer fur than Korr, with a long mane around the face and a bit longer around the bum. She is about 3 years old. She doesn't need much grooming. She doesn't mat like other lionheads. The Furminator does help with her too.
Lillian: Giant Angora, almost 2 years old. She has wool that is quite thick. She doesn't require a lot of grooming for about 4 weeks after bring sheered. She gets sheered about every 3 months. When her coat is longer, she gets blown out every couple days. I also comb out the fur behind her ear and her ear tassels. I will brush out any areas that need it, but she is generally good about not needing it. I do shave her belly about 6-8 weeks after doing her whole body so she can keep clean and help regulate her body temperature.
I clip nails as needed, and that is usually about once a month.
Netherland Dwarfs, English lops, Holland lops and Dutches would be similar as far as grooming goes. Some might need a bit more, but that does depend on the individual. Fuzzy lops would be more like an angora, but I don't think they require as much grooming.