What to expect after neutering??(worried)

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wonderful info!! my 2 go in next month...seemsto be the thing to do right now huh? That vets gonna be hatin life ifit don't go well... ;) ;)
:?..I didnt do it..I was too scared..even withall your advice I went home this morning and he gave me thisinnocent lil smile and I melted..I said I cant do this to u..I calledand cancled the appointment..Im such a wimp:X
Cadburys_mom wrote:
:?..I didn't do it..I was too scared..even with allyour advice I went home this morning and he gave me thisinnocent lil smile and I melted..I said I cant do this to u..I calledand cancled the appointment..Im such a wimp:X

I know how you feel, I really don't want to do it to my buns, but if Idon't do it, its like setting up their funeral, I'llbegetting mines done in here about 6 months or in a yearbecause thats when I will bein my new house.
Im not sure, but right now I have Mia, one doe,and Cookie, my aunts bunnie, and Neo the buck, I think for males issome what similar, but not sure, about to leave to school, I might beon around 9-10am Easthern, if you need anything reply here or you cansend me a pm.;)
Cadbury- I completely understand! Yougotta do it when you feel comfortable with it. One mainreason I neutered Cosmo (besides having a female with him), is that ifthey are not altered and aren't allowed to mate, they just go crazysearching for a female to mate with. Now, that's probably nottrue for all rabbits, I just know I didn't want Cosmo to have thisendless feeling of searching and not having any way to "relieve thefeeling"....so I just feel it helps them calm down and relax and forgetabout mating. It could bring you two closer!

Good luck

hi vanessa...ok by neutering the males, ithelps to calm them down..but wat abt females? is it necessary to themtoo if i already done the male?
Hi baby_rabbit- yes, it is actually moreimportant to spay a female than neuter a male (I feel..)...although,both are important! Like I said with males, spaying femalesalso helps to calm their hormones and their constant search for amate. It also eliminates the risk of uterine cancer, givingyour pet a healthier, longer life.

hi paulo & vanessa...thanks for theadvice... I'll remember that...i guess i need to fix earliest appt formy buck. is it OK for me to wait till the littleones reach their 1monthbirthday,then I spay my doe? well... i dont have the heart to separate the mumfrom kidsfor now.. :D
As long as the mom is separated from the buck -I'd wait until the babies are weaned - but that is just mepersonally. I know that spaying is more "intrusive" for a doethan neutering is for a buck....and I'd hate to see mom putting up withactive babies while recovering from surgery.
