Well-Known Member
Spaying will probably help her keep her poop inher box. It did for my girl, and my neutered boy is perfectabout that now, too. Newspaper is fine as long as they arenot eating large amounts. Mine like to shred it and toss thepieces all over.
You said you were feeding Forti-diet, right?:? I used to feedthat, too. It made Mocha's fur quality awful. She'sa netherland dwarf, and it and the previous Kaytee type I used with allthe seeds made her fur shed more, it was more fuzzy and less glossy,and it just looked awful! Conveniantly enough, she started afull shed right before I switched her food and is now beautifulagain. I might suspect that changing her food would reducesome of the mats. What you are looking for is protien 16% orless and fiber 18% or more. And no extra junk, just plainpellets.
Kaytee Timothy Complete looks decent, I've neverused it. I love my Oxbow Timothy. Others here havehad great success with some of the Purina foods.
Mocha likes to chew on my jeans. I have always let her knowthat this is unacceptable behavior by telling her "No!" sternly, notshouting. Snap your fingers with it or thump the floor to gether attention if she doesn't listen the first time. Thismethod taught Loki the word no in about 2 weeks- he came from theshelter and didn't appear used to being let out of his cage, much lessverbally trained.
You said you were feeding Forti-diet, right?:? I used to feedthat, too. It made Mocha's fur quality awful. She'sa netherland dwarf, and it and the previous Kaytee type I used with allthe seeds made her fur shed more, it was more fuzzy and less glossy,and it just looked awful! Conveniantly enough, she started afull shed right before I switched her food and is now beautifulagain. I might suspect that changing her food would reducesome of the mats. What you are looking for is protien 16% orless and fiber 18% or more. And no extra junk, just plainpellets.
Mocha likes to chew on my jeans. I have always let her knowthat this is unacceptable behavior by telling her "No!" sternly, notshouting. Snap your fingers with it or thump the floor to gether attention if she doesn't listen the first time. Thismethod taught Loki the word no in about 2 weeks- he came from theshelter and didn't appear used to being let out of his cage, much lessverbally trained.