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My grandads partner is a truely bitter and negative woman, and of course I just have to get her a present. She openly shows she doesn't like us she's gone as far as sending e-mails to my whole family saying how she doesn't want to go away to Rachel's (aunty in Auz) because she feels she's not welcome and AFTER Rachel's spent hours with Gdad deciding what to get her for xmas and gone and spent a LARGE sum of money on it and Maree knows this she goes and says she doesn't want presents in Auz. She minipulates Gdad makes him feel horrible about spending time with us, yells at me, threatens to burn all Gdads stuff when he was away on holiday with us and won't have anything to do with Gma. So she won't attend Xmas with her so we have to have two and for "her" xmas I have to buy this complete cow a present she likes gardening but I can't get her anything gardening related as she takes offence:? I'm wanting to get her a book on how to behave around your extended family and post it note sections she could read! Sorry for the ramble but I'm hoping somebodies have some ideas for this BTL (bitter twisted lady)