What should I know about minilops before bringing ours home?

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Well, I named him Jack and he is home.I will post some pics tonight! He is very docile and likes tobe held, but also enjoys running free in the living room. Myother buns are going crazy so I guess bonding will be a chore, but weneed to start getting them neutered first.

Just wanted to mention that we're in So. California!

Also, Jack has a lot of soft poo's, is this normal for a minilop?


Definitely not diarrhea! Squishy andthen he flattens them like pancakes. He is such a piggy, notvery tidy. Doesn't stick to the litter box.
As in only hay, no pellets? For a dayor two, yes. Longer than that and you either need to addpellets or veggies or risk major nutitional deficiencies.

Are you feeding him the same brand of pellets that the breederwas? If not, call her and ask what type she fed then go buysome today. A fast diet change like that will often causediarrhea/soft poops.

As for the messiness, he's in a new place. Even my mostperfectly litter trained rabbit Loki took several days to decide wherehe wanted to pee, where he wanted the food, etc. After that,he was fine as long as I put the litterbox where he wanted it and putthe hay rack in it. And it is about where he wants it,because he might not like the spot you picked out. Plus babybunnies are often more messy. Some will litter train easily,others won't until they're spayed/neutered. For starters, putthe litterbox where his chosen bathroom spot is and put some poops anda urine-soaked paper towel there to give him the idea. Andhay in or above the litter box goes a long way to encouraging them topoop there.;)

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