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I pulled these pictures off the net...but these are a couple of Cross Stitch kits I did.

The first one I ever did...and I was so proud

Probably one of my favorites....I think I still have it in a box somewhere.

You will be happy to hear I have a whole of those food logo charts. There were a bunch done by Sindy's Stitchables that are now OOP. I love those designs. If you do decide you want to stitch and want some logo's, let me know.

Most WalMarts recently discontinued cross stitch. There was a major protest but they didn't care. Joann Fabric stores carry xs. If your W-Mdoesn't have xs any more, check out

http://www.123stitch.com Joanne the owner is very, very helpful and she has nice sales. She can kit up any design she has and let you know the prices of things. She can also order things not shown on the web site.

http://www.downsunshinelane.com is another good place to order. Amy usually helps me.

Is it bad when you know the owners name? LOL!

http://www.abcstitch.com ABC Stitch Therapy is also good but not as fast as Joanne or Amy

Told ya'I was an enabler.

I love those designs! Some really good Christian designs can be found at


http://www.joyfulexpressions.us/ she has some freebies too. I just printed out the names of Christ today. Her designs aren't so overwhelming

http://www.linenflowers.com nice designs plus freebies, Christian bookmarks as freebies
I can't find a picture of it - but I did this for Art's mother too...this was pre-kids.

To His Mother
"Mother-in-law" they say, and yet,
Somehow I simply can't forget
'Twas you who watched his baby ways,
Who taught him his first hymn of praise,
Who smiled on him with loving pride,
When he first toddled by your side.
"Mother-in-law" but oh, 'twas you
Who taught him to be kind and true;
When he was tired, almost asleep,
'Twas to your arms he used to creep.
And when he bruised his tiny knee,
'Twas you who kissed it tenderly.
"Mother-in-law" they say,and yet,
Somehow I never shall forget
How much I owe
To you, who taught him how to grow.
You trained your son to look above;
You made of him the man I love.
And so I think of that today
When with thankful heart I'll say,
"Our Mother."
seniorcats wrote:
http://www.joyfulexpressions.us/ she has some freebies too. I just printed out the names of Christ today. Her designs aren't so overwhelming
This one?


If so - you just gave me a reason to start again...I'd love to do this for my office. One of my favorite worship songs is "He is Holy" where they share all the different names of Christ.

Now to pick out colors - fabric - and of course - to print out the chart.

SHAME ON YOU. I can just imagine all the hours I'll spend now on this - but I love doing the ones with writing.

Actually - this is really just the thing I needed to motivate me to start something new. I've been telling myself I needed a reason to get my butt off the computer so much...now I have it.
This is the book I had...I'd love to order it off Ebay next payday - but the fact is- my kitchen isn't really "country" anymore...so I don't think I'd use them once I did them...




I did the Maxwell House - the Pepsi Cola on the breadbox and had started on the girl with the umbrella for the salt - I don't remember if I finished it...that was TOUGH with the navy fabric.

Ah...the memories.

What was really funny though - was when I met my birthmom - it turns out she loved to cross stitch and had many of the same books I had (it was the same way with Home Interiors figurines and pictures too).

And she can be as obsessive about new projects as I am...
TinysMom wrote:
This one?


If so - you just gave me a reason to start again...I'd love to do this for my office. One of my favorite worship songs is "He is Holy" where they share all the different names of Christ.

Now to pick out colors - fabric - and of course - to print out the chart.

SHAME ON YOU. I can just imagine all the hours I'll spend now on this - but I love doing the ones with writing.

Actually - this is really just the thing I needed to motivate me to start something new. I've been telling myself I needed a reason to get my butt off the computer so much...now I have it.

Yep, that's it! I love it and printed it out. It should stitch up fast once you get going again. The hard part is chosing just one color scheme. I like the blues. I'm thinking of greens, teals, don't know.... If you need some fabric, let me know.

SHAME ON YOU is so right....

I really really want to do the Names of Jesus. I'd sort of like to go with purples or burgundy...I don't know though. Burgundy would go more with my house -but I love purple...
Varigatedflosses might work. DMC has new color variations


Carrie's might work click on the color to see a larger sample


I like Autumn Leaves and Harvest Brew, Coral Reef... Now Coral Reef would really look great. Pizzazz on page 2. I'm not helping any am I?
No wait, Purple Pansy on page 2, ar-r-r-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-h. Epiphany on the new color page. Ok, I quit for now. Gotta' go upstairs and back an envelope for a friend in New Zealand who does church needlework.

I've never really been into it but my Mum really is. She did this huge one when she was pregnant with me. She bought loads of expensive ones 10 years ago at a craft fair and planned to keep them for her retirement but now she says she wouldn't be able to do them!

:) :hearts :brownbunny
From DMC:


Oh wow...I like 4025, 4030, 4124, 4130, 4210 & 4240....

ARG....so not fair. (Have I ever mentioned I hate making decisions).

Ok - off to drool at the colors on the other website...
Oh wow - I like Carrie's site too.

I think though that for the names of Christ I want to use 3 specific colors...I'd like the mixture of colors for the celtic knots (I think).

I'm getting excited - now to get the fabric and the floss....I may check Walmart today for the floss - I don't know. I'm guessing I may have to buy stuff online. :shock:
Looks like San Antonio is the closest - 160+ miles away.

I called Walmart to ask if they carried supplies- she said they don't and she doesn't know of any store in our town that does.

So I guess I'll order online next payday. There is a craft/hobby shop on the military base and since we're retired military - I'll see if they have any supplies there.
www.123stitch.com is the best place to order. You can use paypal, a CC or snail mail your order. If you don't see what you want, e-mail Joanne the owner. She is great and will put everything together for you.

I can send you fabric - have a lot - aida 14 count white or cream. Just PM me if you want me to mail to you. Then all you will need will be hoop and thread.
Is there a site that lists the various color "Families" for DMC (or another brand even)?

I've decided I'm going to order cream fabric and do it in shades of burgundy...
http://www.caron-net.com/threads.html I love Waterlillies but they are expensive. I only have a few.

http://123stitch.com/ Click on the list of threads DMC, Anchor, Crescent Colors, etc

http://www.thegentleart.com/ga/sampler.htm more on Gentle Arts Sampler Threads and Simply Shaker (GAST) I use thes for reproduction samplers and 'faking' antique or vintage embroideries.

http://www.hand-dyedfibers.com/oscnuked/modules.php?name=catalog&file=index&cPath=20 Vicki Clayton hand dyed fibers - beautiful threads

DMC and Anchor are color fast while some of the hand dyes and over dyes may not be.

http://yarntree.com/075dmc.htm another DMC color card

http://www.sixstrandsweets.com/catalog.html Six Strand Sweets These are hard to find. Not all the stores she has listed carry them. She isn't very responsive to e-mail either. One of the semi-local shops I use carries these.

http://www.dinkydyes.iinet.net.au/cottons_home.htm Dinky Dyes
I just got this kit today http://www.123stitch.com/cgi-bin/itemdetail.pl?item=K16734 and it cost £10 (nearly $20) and its only $7.19 on that website :grumpy: I havn't done crosstitch in ages but just started again recently and have bought about 10 x-mas cards to stitch and a witch's cat for haloween for my auntie, but last time I got really PO'd at the slightest little thing I had to stop :embarrassed:

M :happybunny:
You've all inspired me. I'm going to go pull out my embroidery that I started last year. Last year I finished this huge piece of needlepoint that I've been working on, well on and off, since 8th grade (not quite 30 years:)). After that, I just haven't picked anything else up. I bought a new piece but I guess I just needed a break. Time to start again!
hrm...now i am curious...

so how exactly would one start needlepoint or crosstich or whatever you guys are doing? it seems like it would be up my ally, and i am looking for something maybe my grandma could do with me, or on her own.


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