What other small animals has everyone got ?

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1 chinchilla, about 6 finches, 2 betta fish, 1parakeet, 1 cockatiel, 1 lovebird, 1 hamster, 2 tortoises, 6 cats, 1pygmy goat, and about 13 mice....i think thats all, lol!:p
naturestee wrote:
The only named fish is a crowntail betta named Spike (after Cowboy Bebop).

I LOVE Cowboy Bebop! :love:

Currently, in my new home, I have a new miniature dachshund puppy, Myraand the love of my life, my chihuahua/rat terrier mix,Griffin. Plus the two buns of course.

When i lived with my mom still, we had chickens and ducks of allbreeds, 2 guinea pigs, dwarf hamsters, 3 dogs, 7 cats, and a JackDempsey(fish).

I have owned in the past rats, mice, a 2-foot long Savahna Monitor, gerbils, finches, a cockatiel, and some parakeets.

Here's a couple pics of my dogs here at home:



I LuV MaH BuNs wrote:
:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:ewww they areuglly!!!

Actually those are really beautiful specimines, they aren't ugly atall. They are all male in that photo, although my male iscolored like a female, so he's not nearly as colorful.Melina, my female is actually most likely a male, but having them sexedis a big process, the colors are starting to look male. Thisis Malachi:


He's wild caught, so I don't know how old he is, his colors could still change.


Llama wrote:
You better hide your cute puppy cause I am adding the doxie in my napfor my mother in law. She wants one a red colour one. So cute.

I have 1 german shep/golden retr mix Samantha, and 12 guinea pigs. Wehad well ofver 30 guinea pigs but we adopted some out and I felt badfor few people I knew that lost their guinea pig. I am currentlyfostering 4 boys until Aug 14th and hopefully I will have homes forthem by then cause there is a pignic on that day (guinea pig and rabbitlover picnic at Latrobe Pa)
I have:

1 Doggie (black lab/ australian shep mix)

2 Hamsters (siberian dwarf)

3 Rabbits of course (Mini lop, Holland lop, Nethy)

1 Turtle (I have no idea what kind)

A few frogs (again, have no clue what kind)

And a couple large fish tanks with freshwater fishies!! Thats my group!
Along with the 6 bunnies:

2 leopard geckos..

1 veiled chameleon

1 hamster

2 dogs....siberian husky (not so small) and cocker spaniel
SweetPeasMommie wrote:
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
cocker spaniel
do you have a pic of your cocker. I love cockers. My Isaac wasa cocker beagle mix. He passed on to the rainbow bridge a lil over 2yrsago.
I'm gonna post a link, cuz this pic is NOT for the bandwidth impaired!!She needed a haircut, but thats her markings....her dads a red and momis a party..my mom has the mother and had her bred so my son could havea pup for his 5th bday, he got pick of litter...couldn't ask for abetter first dog for him!

She is sooooooooooooooo cute. I love her.

Here is my Isaac. He looks just like a cocker but a beagle bark. Rest his little soul.

I miss him terribly and I hope to get another one. I still cry for him.
He looks like a black and tan? Beautiful colors,I had one of those as a kid....yes, its crazy how attached we get tothe critters!
RusselandRoxy wrote:
I have 4 kittens which could count as SMALL animals now lol , as wellas 4 cats. As for small animals, i have 2 guinea pigs and a hamster,and i am thinking of getting a rat.

Leanne :p
OOO can we have pictures of the Kittens?? Please??:D

As for me, no small animals, used to have hamsters but that was yearsago and you really couldn't call my cat small....he he bless him he's abit of a fatty. I don't think my hens are small either, they chase mycat!! lol
Okay let see.

I got 1 horse lol 2 dogs (labrador retreiver,pug) 2 cats n 11 fish lol

and then the rabbits.

I would have to say the really small rabbits, that I have fall intothis catergory. My french Lops don't for they are the size of mycats.LOL

haha! well, none of our animals are really that"small" besides all the rabbits..... we have, 2 cats (Samantha andComanche), 5 kittens, 5 dogs (Brownie, Blacky, Sage, Chad and Jasmine),and we used to have a parakeet but he was really annoying, and a Turtlewho ran away. We also have landscaping ponds but I don't think thatcounts. We have Pheasants, Chickens, Chukars and Quails too.


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