Spring , they are actually a type of crayfish with a sort of mutation, I think. If you go on the " Bluecrayfish . com " website, the forum section will explain the coloring and preferred habitat.
Weboughtours (3) from that site and the seller is very helpful and patient in explaining questions about their care. These blue "lobsters" don't need any added heat in their aquarium and like living aquariumplants. I originally had 4 but one died of unknown causes. Ultraviolet is very hard on her plants and enjoys eating/shredding them -- so I give her a little fresh romaine lettuce from time to time, and weight it down with a small river rock.
There aresome Bettas living with the crays at this time since they seem to be getting along o.k. I put plenty of floating plants or a small plastic lilypad and the bettas rest on that. I raised Bettas for 3 years and that was alot of fun !
Well... Besides my CiCi, I also have 8 rats, 30 mice, 12 hamsters, a red earred slider, 2 dogs, fish,and a cat. Well, the cat is my sister's, and the 2 dogs are my parents', but they live here, too, so. LOL. I also have 4 "pet" sisters. They're enough like pets to qualify, I think.
Yep, 8 bucks. I take it you have rats as well, LOL. Here is a pic of them, when they were in the bath because I was intro-ing Talbot (dumbo blazedblack hooded) with my other bucks. I also have a litter right now. (Mom was sent over from my breeder, one of my bucks' service was required and I opted to raise the fur-babies until they were weaned.)
And here is a pic ofmom and the daughter that is her likeness:
Then daddy (my Luther) with a son that is his likeness:
Cute rats Cait! I plan on getting some rats when I move into my b/f's house in December but for now, I have 2 bearded dragons, 2 cats, and a puppy at my house. At my boyfriend's house we also have a ferret and 2 red eared sliders. And now, Abby the bunny, has been the perfect addition into our big happy family. :brownbunny
Eeep! You just had to post those didn't you Caitthey are so cute :inlove:
I love the side by side pics,I'm partial toblack rats esp dumbo rexes &black hoods I have 26 right now so posting pictures would make you guys go nutty lol. Way too many pics hehe.
Here are a few though
Yin Yang
Our newest girls raine & leela
My sweetie Kala Seer
Thanks Kadish TolesaI love your blue lobster so cool, I never knew those existed. Very true about rats,they are pretty smart they learn their names pretty fast and they can be very affectionate. I have several that love to give kisses just like my rabbit will.Mine crave for attention constantly, I know they are saying to themselves let me out let meout or give me a treatlol.
awww thanks She's a goofy nut too, but she is still a bouncy baby all over the place. She's a sky blue berk, I got her from a breeder. She's my first sky blue, most of the blues I have are just the plain american blue
Aww, she sounds great! I love when they are hyper babies, LOL. They're so kissy at that age! Chad is my only blue, and he's a berk too. Not sure what sort of blue or if he's actually a Russian silver, so I just say blue.