What Other Animals Do You Own Besides Rabbits?

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I have...

four rabbits (Mocha, Loki, Fey, and Sprite)
two African dwarf frogs
and... um, let me count them... stop moving darn it! :angryrant


A bunch of tetras, cories, and other freshwater community fish.:lol:

I used to name them, back when I only had a 5 gallon community tank anda single betta in a tank. There's too many now, and how doyou name handfuls of nearly identical tetras?
We currently have one cat Hobbes, she is a cat Irescued from living on the streets literally. Her mama cameto the mobile home and all of her kittens were going feral.So I captured her with a big green towel. After I brought herin, she was nothing more than a grey/white fluffy little ball of ahissy face! That was 20 some years ago and now I think youcan tell she is the spoiled queen of the house!:bow

and another shot

and Calvin, he was from a shelter about 30 miles away. Hisfavorite activity is to lay on the hot patio in the hot sun for as longas possible. Not sure on how he will be when we move to NewJersey!:ponder:

and one more

The pics of Calvin are a little decieving, he currently weighs in ataround 75 lbs. I think the shots are a little old now that I thinkabout it. Guess I need to update them right?

So that is it for now. After we land in NJ, we are going toget a few goats and some chickens. And of course a bunny ortwo (or three?!:happydance) Shhh, don't tell hubby that part!
I totally agree with you!!!

bbgrl20 wrote:

MyBoyHarper wrote:
Just curious to seewhat other kinds of animals everyone here owns besides bunnies.

I rescue abused and neglected rodents, so I have quite a few. I currently have:

7 hamsters
2 mice
1 turtle
1 panther gecko
1 lovebird
1 hermit crab
3 guinea pigs
1 bunny rabbit
1 dog
1 cat
2 rats
3 fish

I used to have as many as 14 hamsters, 10 mice, 7 rats, 5 guinea pigs,and 2 other rabbits, but they have since been adopted out, or died as aresult of illness or neglect due to their previous living situations.All the animals I have now are my babies, andare part of thefamily, not for adoption. I'm such a sucker! :D
1 rabbit(Skippy)

and technically 1 cat(Sherlock)
our other two passed away...

but, if you count our neighbors cat Ghetto, she sticks around thehouse..we feed her and care for her..she's like our own..then 2 catscurrently. lol
Do my husband and daughter count?

Other than those two goofballs, we have two kitties that turned twoyears old on April 30th. They're litter siblings that webrought home at about four weeks of age, due to their being weaned fromtheir mama too early. They're very healthy, and happy...andsimply wonderful..such a joy to have in our family.

The buns get along fairly well with them, too. Today, whenFlower was out, our boy kitty Hobbes came into the pen the buns are inwhen they're out, and was really interested in her. It wascute. He came over, stuck his head in the box I put a coupleof holes in for her to have as a toy, but got REALLY offended when shetried to sniff his tail. LOL!! Not only that, buthe started to walk away, watching her the whole time, and thus walkingkinda crab-ish, and she FOLLOWED HIM, sniffing away at his tail thewhole time!! It was just adorable!!!

Maisie followed him around a bit, too...stinky bunnies!!
Linz_1987 wrote:
It sounds like Hobbes is a popular cat name in America? :)
Did you have the newspaper cartoon Calvin and Hobbes? Hobbesis a stuffed tiger that's real to the boy. So there's lots ofcats named after him, just like Garfield.;)
Usually 15 or more rabbits

Stone Kenai, my sheltie-German shepherd-collie- brittany spaniel-and who knows what else he's mixed with dog. My best friend!


Cocoa, my chestnut AQH gelding... my other best friend. We also have an apaloosa named Blue.


A bunch of cats, Miss Kitty (the sassy indoor cat, lol), Stormy,Callie, Skye, Zoe, Boss, Cloud, Sprink, and I'm sorry other cats that Ican't think of right now!

1 mean Rhode Island red rooster! He came to our house as a stray, so weinvoluntarily took him in. Okay, so I might be a little attached to himin a "don't get near me or I'll squirt you with the hose" kind ofway.We're getting some Rhode Island chicks this summer;)

I'm getting a beta tomorrow!

A snail that I haven't named yet.

Ive heard of a breed of dog called Brittany but I havent actually ever seen one before. Your dog is so cute!

I dont see how you people can foster animals, I would want to keep them all! Not give them away to other people.
2 border collies (MacIntosh and Jack)1 bordercollie/lab (Bosco)2cats (Jinx and Sofie)2 soon to be fourrabbits! (Basil, Ginger, (and soon Rosemary and ???)
This is what a Brittany spaniel looks like:


Like I said, though, I really don't know what my pup's mixed with! lolHe's not this tall, but he has feathered ears and feathered legs likethis spaniel has on his front legs. Also, he has a flag tail like aspaniel. He has German shepherd markings, and he's the size of aminiature Shetland sheepdog. He barks like a dauschund. I don't knowwhat he is! He's a rescue dog from the shelter. He was in a litter dumpalong with his only brother. I hope his brother is just as spoiled ashim, now!

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