What might cause these symptoms? (pneumonia)

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Badger has made it all the way through his third gotcha day, THANKFULLY!

He's pottering on. I think the nebulising has really helped. Got the proper stuff today so will try that tomorrow. Going to also get Bisolvon I think too to help. He's doing ok, currently. I'm hoping the anti bios are doing some good.

Thanks all for your help.
How is Badger today? Did the meds in the nebulizer make a difference?

BTW, did you discuss the length of time for the Convenia injection btw? It wears off in as little as five days in rabbits, a much shorter time span than dogs and cats.

If it seems to be working, maybe a second shot?

sas :clover:
He's poddling on.

Yeh, I know Convenia wears off faster because we used it with TIlly and have also been closely involved in MPHFs Minnie's Convenia journey. They both had them redone at different times so I definitely know it can vary. He's going back tomorrow to discuss stuff further.
Thanks Clare. Sorry I haven't replied or updated my journal, we have had a hard week. Sky is perfect thank you :) Bounced back fine and quickly.

Right, back from the vets Badger has had another Convenia. The vet said he is going to look into Zithromax today to see if we can get a supply in. I said I Don't want to start it just before the Easter weekend (I don't need an Easter emergency again this year), so it will either be the start of this coming week, or the start of the next, after Easter.

Badger still sounds 'dull' on the left side. We talked about what to do next if this doesn't work and it will be x-rays and a culture (although it sounds like they have never done a deep culture on a bunny before. His words were 'not for the faint hearted') but obviously that's risky with him compromised respiratory system.

What I have found is that since I started nebulising I have not heard a proper cough. Not one, and he was coughing once every hour and a half or so. So I think the nebuliser had instant effects and I'm going to keep doing that.

I asked for, and have been given, Bisolvon which can be given orally and I know people who have nebulised with it too. My vet has never done it through nebuliser so I've got the task of researching that myself to work out what to do. I'm doubting anyone here will have used it, but if you have, any ideas of how much to add to saline?
Just thought I'd update. Today his lungs are clearer (wahoo) so the 6 meds he are on are working (or some of them are). Unfortunately she can now hear his heart isn't right (not so wahoo) so he's going in for an x-ray on Thursday.
Could the heart issues just be stress related; it has occured before on this forum .
I am so glad that his lungs are better.; you are doing such a great job Tracy. If I was a sick rabbit I would want to be owned by you.:D

you are so diligent and thorough .
Yes, I would guess that the heart issue COULD be stress related, however, if his lungs are clearer then why is he not appearing better overall. We must be missing something here somewhere (this is like thoughts outloud, not directed at you Maureen). He is breathing in a laboured way and he rocks when he breathes. He has like an old man, deep chesty cough every so often. If his lungs are clearer and less crackly and it is due to an infection, then he would be starting to show improvement, which he isn't. Either way, hopefully the x-ray will show something relevant.

Never again am I going to lose a bun and think 'if only'. If I lose Badger then I will know we both put up one hell of a fight and did everything and anything we could. I don't ever want to carry anymore guilt for letting down rabbits. I'm not going to let him down, and for as long as he wants to fight, we fight; tooth and nail.
I'm very, very scared for my most dearest Sky. He was making a similar noise to Badger was, but no sign of chest problems could be found (and other than the cough was showing no particular symptoms), but when the vet checked his mouth he found spurs at the back, so felt the noise was created by excess saliva.

Now Sky is recovered and has been making the same noise today. I can't see any evidence of any other issue (his breathing looks normal- no idea what it sounds like). I'm so, so scared I'm going to lose him. He's my world. He will go to the vets but I have no idea what I should be doing now.

All my specials are getting ill. I'm going to lose them all.
Thank you. I'm going to get Sky to the vets tomorrow and on Convenia straight away. The routine starts for Sky tomorrow too. He HAS to be ok.
Sky is good. No more problems with Sky.

Cloud is failing (not that Cloud has been talked about on this thread).

Badger is being complicated. No tests have revealed anything wrong with him at all. His chest is now clearer than it was, x-rays show no signs of infection in his chest, his heart looks ok, something else she was checking looks normal too. That vet reckons that there is nothing obviously wrong and he is not in any immediate danger. She said if I want to go further then its time to consult with a specialist (which are veyr few and far between here).

I disagree about him not being in any immediate danger because we've had mouth breathing, his nose is as far in the air as it can go, he's not comfortable at all. So tonight we are going back to the vets, to see a different vet. My regular vet is on holiday for another 2 weeks, and right now I'm very much missing him!

I have to keep fighting for him for as long as he wants to fight for himself. Its what he deserves.
Looks like Badger has a laryngeal (spelling?) issue. Not pneumonia, although he may have had that previously because it is a known secondary issue.

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