What kind of spider is this *warning - spider pic*

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Wow...eek! I would NOT be happy if I got bit by a spider! OUCH!

We have nice populations of black widows here in California. My grandmother's house is RIDDLED with them because she doesn't really clean out closets, and those buggers like boxes and such. She cleaned out a closet once, looking for something for my mother, and there were just TONS of them in there!!

Anyway, I don't have much problem with spiders, except that I'm not very good at knowing what's what. That's the thing that gets me...and I don't worry for myself as much as for Em and the buns! The kitties...well, they'll just eat whatever it is (and hopefully it doesn't have something in it that is harmful of chewed), so I don't worry mcuh about them, lol!

But wow...I know what you mean about being that blind...I have built this habit of always checking the tub before I take my glasses off, because we happen to also have a tendency to attract silverfish in the tub (eww), so I have to take a moment to (no offense, Pam) wash them down the drain. They are the one bug I really cannot handle....*shudders*

And yes! Pam is our resident Bug Lady. :D
That was my first thought when I saw the pictures of Leaf's spider... A brown recluse!
It does have the "violin" shape. Though of course there are other spiders of that kind with the violin as well, that aren't brown recuses...
I would go to a doctor, or atleast phone, as soon as possible. The bites don't always develop lesions, or turn necrotic, but you never know.
Definately keep an eye on the bite site, and if any of the symptoms occur (see the included link http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2061.html ), see a doctor or visit the ER ASAP.
Hope it's just an innocent spider though!
Yikes! I am not afraid of spiders but I don't like them. One bit me in the Yukon last summer on my side and it swelled up so bad and was full of infection. I just had one bite me this morning too! It swelled up awful. I'm sorry you got bit! After looking at all these pictures, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight lol. I *think* this was just a common spider and hopefully the bite won't turn into anything too serious but if you are unsure it's always good to check.

Last summer I came across a wood spider - they are huge forest spiders we have here, I mean huge... it had dozens and dozens of babies on her back. While I am not afriad, like I said, I was still walking around scratching and looking around for the rest of the day!
EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Spidies gives me creepy crawlies. EWWWWWWWWWWW

I hate them, I freak out when I see one. If I am home alone I keep screaming until it is dead. If my hubby or someone is home, I start freaking out getting them to kill it.

Ugh I can feel it crawl on me. Yuck. I will just stick with rodents
You know, she was on earlier and I was so worried about the flooding I forgot to see about the bite.

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