What kind of spider is this *warning - spider pic*

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
I was getting ready to take a bath and had taken my contacts out - I cant see a thing without glasses or contacts - when I noticed some string on the side of the tub. I flicked at it and it landed on my ankle and BIT me.

Needless to say, it was not string...

I have definant puncture wounds from the critter, but don't have a clue as to what kind nailed me. It's pouring outside so I dont want to drive to the doctor over nothing.



I have no idea, but I do know there are some nasty spiders over there, so maybe worth the trip out to the docs? Take the spider with you when you go, it will make the trip easier if they know what it was.
Brown recluse have a design on their underside and they are only about the size of a quarter.

Also, I would keep the spider but if it doesn't react highly then it's not an emergency. They are venomous, but not everyone is going to react badly. Now, if it were a black widow..... I'd get you to the ER.
I know someone who got bitten by one of those recently and nearly died from it, the bite went necrotic and she had all sorts of problems.

Get going missy.
I'm not positive, but I feel she got bitten but ddn't realise she had, and she started to get pains in her hip overnight (where she was bitten) and went the next day. I'm not positive on that, but that's howI remember it.
I took some benadryl just to be on the safe side and I have the spider in a jar. Once the rain lets up some I'll take him over to a doctors office near my house to see if they know what he is. It's bigger than a quarter with its legs all out but with all the flooding and water it's hard to tell what has made its way in to the house.
WOW Flashy! I know you need to have it checked, but not like run to the ER. THey can be quite nasty! so can non-venomous spiders and snakes. That's what people don't always realize. The bacteria from a bite can kill you regardless.

Leaf, can you take a picture from under the jar? can you see its tummy?
Is there somewhere you can take the spidier for a positive id? (local extension office, entomologist at a local college, state park?) It sure looks like that photo that Aina posted - I'd certainly get it checked out.

With all the moisture that you've had down there, I would agree it could likely be one that has moved inward but I know we have some that look just like a brown recluse that are like big house spiders..

Still, I'd make sure as well.
We get those in our tub.. always have..

They are Water Spiders..or thats what we always call them.. other people call them house spider.. southern house spiders, american house spiders..

House spiders are thirsty creatures living in a very water-poor environment, and any that venture near a sink or tub with drops of water in it will try to reach the water, often by climbing down a wall. Once in the slick-sided porcelain basin, they are unable to climb back out unless a helpful human "lends them a hand."




Brown recluses are tiny...

I wanted to add those pics are highly magnified so you can see every detail..

Also.. on the off chance it is a brown recluse.. id schedule a visit just in case. but seriously, if you still have the spider and are able to flip ir over with toothpics.. the brown recluse has very noticeable mandolin shaped markings on its abdomen.

I have an itchy foot caused by the urge to stomp the thing. I detest spiders..... A wolf's head bit me on the neck and it left a big acid like burn.

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