What kind of rabbit litter do u use?

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:angel:hello itsme, Janice agian, just wanted to show u babbes! the other pic wasbugsy! the one that looks like your rabbit! this one dosnt! But she isthe new kid onthe block sort of say! We just got her today!she is 7 mos old , sheis a dwarf rabbit( we hope, we need your opinionthough ;on that one! I use shredded paper and lots ofalfalfahay and cedar! i also line the bottom of the cage withnewspaper, three layers of it !

signed thoughtfully,


psany questions

callme beofre ten oclock any day!

718-372-4612 new york, brooklyn

I use alfalfa hay and fresh-cut grash. It'sreally easy, as I can just go and cut my little patch in the yard oncea week and get enough bedding for Chubs. I guess it works for mebecause I only have one rabbit. Otherwise, I guess it wouldn't workunless you have a BIG yard you can cut, lol. I can also buy a HUGE bagof alfalfa hay from my local feed store which I can also use. :)

this wooody pet stuff is for people that livelike upstate or something not for people with pets inthe city ,like me!i liveinbrooklyn and thereis no woodypet dealer around me! !!How do i become a woody pet dealer? do u knoW?

my email adress is luvpenpal 1!aol.com ( i only seperated the words so u can seeclearly whAT NUMBER I TYPED) !
I used hay for bedding for my guinea pigs when Iwas breeding them. Just changed the cages out everyday andhad no odor at all.

OT- Whitehorse your bun in your avatar is gorgeous. :love:
I use the wal-mart brand of carefresh in mybunnys litter boxes.It's cheaper than the pet stores. I likethe yesterday news but Benny made a huge mess with it from digging itall out:D

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