What kind of Rabbit do I have?

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Delphinum wrote:
LOL she's beautiful and that's really all that matters in the long run!

My gran used to call me 'Hawkeye' when I was young coz I was so good atseeing small details... like the caterpillar crawling up her houseplantone day! :D

Good eye Delphinum!

Rex do normally have curly whiskers.

When we got Bo, all I knew was it was the "littlebrown bunny" my daughter wanted. I asked the owner just whathe was, but I had already decided he would come home with me unless hewas some venomous breed... lol.. After we had paid the owner,it dawned on me that I needed to know if he was a he or ashe. So, he checked and it was a little boy :)

It wasn't until later that I would find out I had purchased our littleguy from a well-known rabbit judge and breeder. What luck Ihad when I just wanted to get anotherlittle pet for ourfamily!

Whatever the reason the breeder gave him up, he's the most adorable andprecious bunny to us. I can't imagine not having him now!
Elf Mommy wrote:
OK, they really didn't show...hard to take a good digitalphoto of an original photo...but she did have long luscious whiskeragehehe
I can just barely see them on the right side of the screen.

I guess the long whiskers are a dominant gene when breeding to theshort curlies like rex, and mini-rex. That's interesting.

I bet Pebbles is a Rex or mini-rex mix. Her weight might givea clue as well. She looks pretty good sized. She'sso cute! I want to kiss her nose!

I melt when I see bunnies! Then I have to go love on Bo and he getsreal irritated sometimes when I want to kiss his little nose over andover LOL!
yeah seeing as how I just brought her homeyesterday she doesnt really want to have anything to do with me...WhenI hold her she starts breathing very heavily!!
She also is constantly running from me.Hopefully after some time she will be a little calmer for me.
I just want to cuddle her but she acts like I just have some kind of contagous disease!!!!
Well, since she was being abused, she might be abit timid. Give her time, quietly lay on the floor with herather level. Let her come to you. Thatmight help her get more used to you.
i will have to try that thank you.I hope she willcome around...Scence it was by a kid im wondering with me being kindayoung if she may look at me like im a kid too...
I dunno
Bo B Bunny wrote:

I guess the long whiskers are a dominant gene when breeding to theshort curlies like rex, and mini-rex. That's interesting.

Yes -- "normal" fur is dominant. The rex gene (there areactually a few rex fur genes) is recessive. Satin and wool are alsorecessive genes.

Whatever the breed I lovehim. Maybe he looks a little like my bunny? lol I'm thinking mybunny might be a mini-rex mix too. Here is a picture :)
Shorty011nk wrote:
so you guys all think that she is probably a rex mix??
That's seems to be our best guess. She does have Rex bodytype. Do you know approx. how much she weighs?Since you describe the coat as *not* being soft, I'm thinking it's moreof a flyback coat -- so perhaps there was a commercial breed cross (NewZealand, Palomino, etc. or Florida White).


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