What Kind of Lop am i?

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Mar 28, 2005
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Hi i posted this on another forum also.I wanted to know what kind of lop or lop mix my 10 week old bunnyis. I look at pic after pic but still cant figure itout...lol Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Looks like an English Lop (lacking in desired ear length)or English Lop mix.


Here's a baby Mini Lop (note the difference in the head and ears from the bunny pictured above)


English Lop is my vote. :D

Just noticed that Pam already posted that.
We must be thinking the same today LOL!

What are the main differences between Mini and Holland Lops?That baby Mini Lop in the pic you posted looks like my Holland Lop, butmy girl's ears are shorter. She has that flat-type facethough (she's not the one on my avatar).


Size is one of the primary differences --Hollands are smaller than Mini Lops. The Holland has a higherheadset and is more close-coupled in body type. The Mini Lophas a much lower head-set and is posed sitting down on the showtable. Color cansometimes give a clue as to whetherthe rabbit is a Mini or Holland. Agouti colors are morecommon in the Mini Lops, where non-extension, self colors such as tortand sable point are more common in the Hollands.

Not every rabbit is a good representation of it's breed however, and we do sometimes see "inbetweenies".

DownEastFarMiniLops wrote:
I aggree with the English Lop, I accually looks more loikean English lop mix. Certinly not a Mini, the ears are to long.

I agree that it appears to be more of a cross due to the shorter earlength. Here is a photo of a velveteen (their ears shorterthan the English Lop). . .


It does look like an English Lop with shorter ears, or like you have stated before that it may be an English Lopmix.

pamnock wrote:
DownEastFarMiniLops wrote:
I aggree with the English Lop, I accually looks moreloike an English lop mix. Certinly not a Mini, the ears are tolong.
I agree that it appears to be more of a cross due to the shorter earlength. Here is a photo of a velveteen (their ears shorterthan the English Lop). . .

I'm going with english lop mix too. The ears are just too long for a mini.

Aren't the velveteen a new breed (well, weren't they in the new Rabbitsmag. as a breed up for recognition)? I think they are justbeautiful. Are they available? I love the lops andI cannot refuse the rex fur...thus I have both, but this would be thebest of both worlds.


Wow thanx all, i was thinking it was anenglish/mini mix myself. Over all he is wonderful and ireally appreciate all of the replys. We got hubby afriend bunny lol She is a polish BEW. Wish me luck cause theyare supposed to be quite the busy bodies.
Aren't the velveteen a new breed (well, weren't they in the new Rabbitsmag. as a breed up for recognition)? I think they are justbeautiful. Are they available? I love the lops andI cannot refuse the rex fur...thus I have both, but this would be thebest of both worlds.


The Velveteens had come close to being accepted, but failed their finalshowing. They are starting over with a new certificate ofdevelopment, butfailed their showings this pastyear.
