what kind of litter should i give to my bunny?

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i see that emmits_mom said that you could use pine shavings. Well i wason this one website i do not rember what it was but it said that youshould not use oine shavings because it is bqad for them when they eatit. But if you want to use tjem you can get them at a simple Wal martstore should carry them. That ius were i get them for my hamster. Youjust look by the food for animals in that area!!!
Please see the post written by Bonnie&Clide about bad litter.

Pine shavings is not a bad litter for rabbits...as long as it is keptdry and your rabbit isn't subjected to sitting on soiled litter.

Read the post, and read the article from the website that Gabbyposted:http://www.geocities.com/heavyhitter1.geo/Pine.html



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