it sounds to me like Windell is playing with the newspaper - digging and shredding it.
My bun likes to do that, but when i use it in her litterbox (flatsheets of newspaper under her litter + some shredded newspaper on topof Yesterday's News), she leaves it alone. But that's her - everyrabbit is different. Mine sees a difference between newspaper forshredding and litterbox liners. (I did have to tell her "no" more thana few times when she tried to pull out the flat sheets, though.
CountryGirl wrote:
What are somedifferent kinds of bedding I can use in the bottom of my bunnies cage?I was using newspaper and I did so with my other rabbits. But Windelltears it up and pushes it all to one corner like theres no tomorrow. Soobviouslt he doesn't like it. What can I use? Also what canIuse for his litter pan?
Aly & Windell :bunnydance: