What is up w/ the tossing of the food dish when done eating??

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I have since come to realize since starting this thread that at least, with Baxter! he uses his food dish for:

1. Eating food out of

2. It's a play thing.

3. He can throw it against the bars of his pen and get attention.

So its not "one" behaviour, it is a "tool" that he can use to garner whatever attention he "so" desires.. Buns might not have a "voice" perse, but they can be VERY noisey when the situation calls for it (in their mind)..
golfdiva wrote:
o its not "one" behaviour, it is a "tool" that he can use to garner whatever attention he "so" desires
Interesting, as using a tool used to be the definition of "human"! lol!

Seriously Baxter! is the LOUDEST of allanimals I've had (cats, birds, dogs) and he has NO voice really - he can't bark/hiss/chirp..

He is to smart for his own good and I amso enjoing -watching him progress in his life to the fact of "telling" me what he needs/wants..

He actually has a much "clearer" voice, than the cats/dogs/birds I have rescued.. Go figure?!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
cheryl, think like a bunny..... who I believe are intelligent little pranksters! That's why they binky when they get caught doing something! LOL!

flipping the plate = pie in the face....... great comedy!

While I was lying on my stomach in bed, Smudge thought it'd be funny to jump on my back.. crawl onto my bottom, and...pee!

Then he binkied, jumped off the bed, and ran!
PixieStixxxx wrote:
While I was lying on my stomach in bed, Smudge thought it'd be funny to jump on my back.. crawl onto my bottom, and...pee!

Then he binkied, jumped off the bed, and ran!

Another great "Thread" would be "Why do Bun's Get So Excited" when they do Something wrong that is SO cute"... LMAO!

Its the Binkying after the bad behavior that always makes you not want to "Scold" them! Curious how the rest of you (do not) handle this?
I havent posted for a while but this forum topic made me giggle especially as we had something similar a few days ago.

My husband was standing in the doorway watching the buns in thier upstairs home, giggling his head off. When i asked him what was up he explained to me that pebbles and Bam bam obviously had a difference of opinion as to where the food bowl should go ( they share the food bowl which is a ceramic dish)

Bambam wanted it toward the centre of the cage, yet Pebbles wanted it to stay where it was near the water and litter. It was then that a battle ensued of dragging the bowl out to the centre only to be pushed back into place by Pebbles.

Idon't know who won (more than likely Bambam) but it was a funny thing to see the disagreement.

(god is it just me or does this reply box..take forever to load..)

Anyways... When i first got Dumbo and Latte we had a Plastic food dish for
them...which worked out great when they were babies...but the second they
got bigger they enjoyed tossing the food bowl around...whether its
throwing a fit..
organising their pen...
or doing it for fun..
(which i highly doubt cause most of the time it looks like they are mad at
the bowl lol..)

Anyways we got them a big heavy ceramic bowl now.. now all they do is dig out ALL
the food...I believe they dig it all out to get to the pellets that they like..and discard
the rest on the bedding for later when there are no pellets left..

I swear rabbits are fiesty and picky little creatures..

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