what is this sound?

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Kyo wrote:
Oh no,my Riku never ever made a sound. The only sound coming out from her isthe chewing noise she made. :?
Hi Kyo!

LOL! Mine make a lot of noise when they eat, too. Especially when all seven are munching on romaine!!

I do have to say that they make the most disgusting noises when they eat bananas, though.
** My thoughts exactly!! I was just watchingHouston Animal Cops on Animal Planet. They went to this house were alotof rabbits had been abandoned. They were chasing tons of rabbits aroundthe back yard. Those poor bunnies were terrified! It was difficult towatch. And one of them even SCREAMED! Their intentions were good butwhat the hell, if a rabbit gets too scared it can die from shock, Iwould think people working for the SPCA would be a little moreresponsible but obviously not. They were acting like it was a game,laughing and carrying on. Ugh!**

I saw that same Show Chiquita , and imsorry I found it funny also ,untill you have ran a mile in their shoes ,especially trying to catch asmany rabbits as they had too , you haveto find some amuzement in it , they WERENOT! laughing a the rabbit that screamed , they were laughingbecause unless you have ever tried to catch a rabbitat full speed you wouldntunderstand , Adrenalin is running so fastand hard your emotions get away ,AND as for beingresponsable they certainly were !no rabbit was injuredor killed remember . theymade sure to insure everyrabbit was handled with care , heresa suggestion go work withthem for a day see what they havetoo see on a continual basis .

I have worked withsuch organizations its a brutaljob , close down arabbit , puppy or kitten mill, see what really goes onbefore you critize. heres and example

A town official ( animalcontrol ) came to get me to goand confiscate a dog , now i had no ideawhat breed , temperment ,nothing I had to walk in cold' when we arrived hewent in got the dog brought itout to me , I stood there and cried my eyesout ok im not a person whowould normally react like that >

what he handed me was a toypoodle maybe a year old , dirty ,filthy and smelled like ( wellyou get the idea ) , now around hernose and mouth was a veryraw nasty sore itwent clean around her face , Cometo find out they hadused Duct tape to keep the dogfrom barking The owners had yankedthe tape off, can you imagine the pain?? i took the dog tomy house and in the process ofbathing this dog itook several nasty bites to t he arm ,but ya know the adreniline wasflowing so fast and hard all icould do is Laugh !

Needless to say that i kept thedog and turns out shewas the most sweetest companioni could have ever asked for ,she died in my arms at 11 yrs old.
remember also Laughterlike crying is a defenseits automatic , and somethingno one has control over .
Just a note on the screaming thing:

Some rabbits scream to get attention too. :XI about had aheart attack when my 3 mo. old tried that trick. "What???? What'swrong????? What hurt you???" BOING BOING BOING "Food NOW, mum!!hurryhurryhurry"

Still thought something hurt him....until he did it AGAIN the next day,the little stinker, just bouncing around screeching like a banshee.

But that is really really unusual. Most rabbits only scream in the worst possible situations.

gypsy wrote:
**My thoughts exactly!! I was just watching Houston Animal Cops on AnimalPlanet. They went to this house were alot of rabbits had beenabandoned. They were chasing tons of rabbits around the back yard.Those poor bunnies were terrified! It was difficult to watch. And oneof them even SCREAMED! Their intentions were good but what the hell, ifa rabbit gets too scared it can die from shock, I would think peopleworking for the SPCA would be a little more responsible but obviouslynot. They were acting like it was a game, laughing and carrying on.Ugh!**

I saw that same Show Chiquita , and imsorry I found it funny also ,untill you have ran a mile in their shoes ,especially trying to catch asmany rabbits as they had too , you haveto find some amuzement in it , they WERENOT! laughing a the rabbit that screamed , they were laughingbecause unless you have ever tried to catch a rabbitat full speed you wouldntunderstand , Adrenalin is running so fastand hard your emotions get away ,AND as for beingresponsable they certainly were !
I'm pretty sure I saw the same ep... I was simultaneously excited& distressed becaue you usually don't see rabbits on thoseshows, & the strays were all almost certainly New Zealands orcrosses like my Meat Bunny.

Personally, I don't know how the animal control officers could haveacted any more responsibly. Having tried to catch my *one* NZrabbit in my back yard, while she was harnessed & leashed,even, I can attest to the fact that it's none too easy. ;}

I think it's easy to forget, when watching shows like that, that thereare far, FAR more animals in need than we, the viewers, eversee. It would be wonderful if the animal control officers hadenough time & resources to give every single case the optimumamount of individual attention & patience necessary to get thatanimal the help it needs w/ the absolute minimum of stress.Unfortunately, that's not the case. IIRC (and somebody pleasecorrect me if I'm wrong), the Houston Animal Cops show quotes thatthere are 4,000 cruelty cases a year, investigated by 8officers. That's 500 cases per officer every day.o_O Honestly, under the circumstances I'm amazedthat they show as much diligence & compassion as they do.
