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Fighting cancer in rabbits with green tea.

Very important link. Please read. RIGHT HERE

Fighting angiogenesis is a major factor in fighting cancer in all life.

>> . . . our study showed that the consumption of green tea leads to a reduction of atherosclerosis as well as a significant decrease of VEGF expression in the atherosclerotic plaque of rabbit aorta. The hypothesis that probably green tea may produce its anti-atherogenetic effect through an anti-angiogenetic mechanism needs more investigation. <<

I have found other studies online (although not cancer-related) showing health benefits to taking green tea for rabbits.

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I kept posting the photo of Poppy's operation, and it kept vanishing. The dim-wits at the host site, Webshots, apparently thought it some form of porno and took it off sending me a warning letter. Contemptible cretins. Here it is on Picturetrail:


that article has to do with the build up of plaque in arteries of rabbits that have been given a high cholestrol diet
it may help with cancer also but I really don't know ..:?

usually these types of treatments are preventative and not a cure although I don't know if it will hurt
It said clearly that it also has an effect on angiogenesis. And stopping angiogenesis is one of the primary ways Science is trying to stop the growth of cancer - no new blood vessels and cancerous growths cannot grow!
If you want to give some tea, don't worry about it. That article is about plaque buildup in arteries (athlerosclerosis) and the growth of new blood vessels (angiogensis). If you're interested in how it helps with cancer, look up carcinogenesis. However, once cancerous cells have gotten into the body, you can't do much about them. Things like green tea and broccoli and antioxidants prevent cancer from starting, they don't prevent cancer from spreading. I would be a bit concerned about the caffeine in green tea, though. That could stress his heart, dehydrate him, and increase his blood pressure.
Yes, cutting of a tumor's blood supply can stop the tumor's growth. However, green tea isn't extremely effective at this and you'd probably have to give too much to really help. As a researcher in science, I will tell you that we say things that are a bit far-reaching at times. Research like this is conducted in a very different environment than the real world. Preventing angiogenesis as a treatment for cancer is not possible yet.

Tumors can actually take over blood vessels that are already there, so preventing the growth of new blood vessels isn't going to stop it.
So you advise against it. OK. Thanks.

This thread has indeed become informative!

Right now the vet and I are looking for normal poops and normal eating. He chowed down on carrot tops. but we want to see more poops.
What an ordeal for both you and Poppy to go through.

In that "after surgery"photo,the arealooks sore but the much more of a normal colour, so hopefully the vet got all of the tumour (before the cells travelled elsewhere in Poppy's system).

Plenty of "Get Well" wishes for Poppy and may your anxiety lessen a little now too :rose:.

Hoping to see photos of a recovered Poppy having fun soon.

Jo xx
Thanks. I will post photos.

We hope for long term recovery. I already posted about the odds of that.

The vet has been great sending e-mails inquiring as to his condition. He HAS been eating and pooping - likes the radish tops, a little parsley, and carrot tops. Bananas, too.

I need to give meds soon.

This, again, was the vet:

The "green tea for cancer (in rabbits) issue" is somewhat unresolved.

I will get some uncooked oatmeal and see if he likes that, as per recommendations.
I think you can give him some green tea, but I really don't think it will help much, especially since I wouldn't give him more than a few ounces a day and he might not want to drink it anyway. Too much caffeine would be bad for him. It's best to feed him normally and give him a little bit more of the fattening things to keep his weight on. Good luck and keep us updated!
I will also take photos and post them.

The tea would have been injected with a syringe and be concentrated extract. The vet seems to have no opinion on green tea.

In New York green tea became very well known when N.Y. Yankee manager Joe Torre had his prostate removed for cancer and began, on orders from doctors, taking green tea, Although how can can stand the bitter taste I do not know. I take capsules.

Poppy is pooping normally and eating fine. Time for his meds.
Poppy died May 7th.:bawl::cry1: He is in the freezer now.

Yea, and that is that. All that effort and money for nothing.

The vet who always responded to e-mails promptly (before I fully paid the bill) now does not respond at all. Very disappointing.

I thank everyone in this thread for your care and information.

I will soon post something in the Memorial forum here, or whatever you call it.

I may not be back in this thread for some time.

I now have NO rabbits. Adoption suggestions for the NYC area are welcome. PM me here or elsewhere (see memorial thread).
OMG I am so very very sorry !!!

I had a bun with cancer and he went fast also :cry1:
You did your best for him....

the vet sounds like a jerk :(
My heart goes out to you....

I hope that you open your heart to another homeless bun ;

it may be a way to make you feel better

Binky free little Poppy
you may want to write a memeorial in the rainbow bridge section
Thanks for letting us know


I'm so sorry you lost him. Poor guy, the odds were against him. You gave him great care and lots of love.
I'm so sorry for your loss.Just read your story fully... poor Poppy. You did the best you could for your bun abd he was lucky to have someone care for him. Binky free, my dear.

I live in Manhattan. I adopted from safehaven rabbit rescue (safehavenrr.org) in Jersey. They have some nice rabbits, but it's about an hour away from the city by car. I am sure there are plenty of rabbits within the city waiting for a wonderful new human to love them.