I had a mini lop that had a similar butt issue. She was always dirty and stained from pee and her litter. I had to put a grate on top of her litter box to get her away from the litter. She would also pee outside the box, but she was unspayed.
I can't help you on suggestions, I just wanted to share that I had a similar experience with my bunny.
Have you tried to change her litter?
You said something has changed with her bond mate, did you take him to the vet? Did you take him with her to the vet? Thats recommended to make sure the bond doesn't break or change.
Is he acting normally, is staying in his box all the time normal for him? If there is a change in their bond, I would check him out too. I would make sure there's nothing wrong with him and she isn't trying to tell you, its him!
Those are really my only suggestions and they may not help. But if it were me, thats what I would check out.
I can't help you on suggestions, I just wanted to share that I had a similar experience with my bunny.
Have you tried to change her litter?
You said something has changed with her bond mate, did you take him to the vet? Did you take him with her to the vet? Thats recommended to make sure the bond doesn't break or change.
Is he acting normally, is staying in his box all the time normal for him? If there is a change in their bond, I would check him out too. I would make sure there's nothing wrong with him and she isn't trying to tell you, its him!
Those are really my only suggestions and they may not help. But if it were me, thats what I would check out.