What is she trying to tell us?

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I had a mini lop that had a similar butt issue. She was always dirty and stained from pee and her litter. I had to put a grate on top of her litter box to get her away from the litter. She would also pee outside the box, but she was unspayed.
I can't help you on suggestions, I just wanted to share that I had a similar experience with my bunny.

Have you tried to change her litter?

You said something has changed with her bond mate, did you take him to the vet? Did you take him with her to the vet? Thats recommended to make sure the bond doesn't break or change.
Is he acting normally, is staying in his box all the time normal for him? If there is a change in their bond, I would check him out too. I would make sure there's nothing wrong with him and she isn't trying to tell you, its him!

Those are really my only suggestions and they may not help. But if it were me, thats what I would check out.
Our vet isn't a novice.

Yes, we changed the litter the first time this happened back in late November. We went back to a type we had been using previously since it seemed to bother her less. George is typically more shy than Pearl. The buns just recently got cardboard boxes to play in, but he isn't really acting much different except to be less affectionate with Pearl. It's almost like he couldn't stand her pee pee smell either. Other than that their bond still seems fine. They have been seperated for a few hours at a time before.

I will keep my eye on him to make sure he's doing ok. If we find out whatever is wrong with Pearl could be contagious, we will take him in even before he shows signs of illness.
Thats good that their bond is still good, that was just my thought and suggestion. It sounds to me like they've very lucky to be in your care! I hope that you get it figured out, it sounds like its really difficult.
Thanks whitelop. I really appreciate any insight that anyone has with this issue. It is very difficult and frustrating. When we first got Pearl she was an aggressive biter who hated to be picked up. She still doesn't like it, but she hasn't bitten in a few months. Her personality is getting sweeter, but her problem is getting worse. And it's so hard to see evidence in pain in rabbits that I hate to keep going on and on with baths, and tests, and vet trips if she is suffering and won't get better. I'm worried George is trying to tell us something about her. Maybe she's sick and he's avoiding her for that reason?

BTW: Just read some of your blog about Elvira. She seems like a real sweety.
Pearl is not getting better. I gave her a butt bath and her bum is worse this time than it was last time. The urine scald area is bigger and more raw. She only had one or two small scabby/raw spots last time. This time it's all over her back end. She peed in the sink and sprayed me and really flinched when I would touch her leg or tail. She did take her pain meds, but hated the ointment.
The enclosure she and George share was covered with pee puddles from while we were away at work.
I'm getting so frustrated that nothing we are doing seems to be helping. I totally broke down crying after her bath was done.
I don't know what to do anymore. Hopefully the blood work results come in soon. I don't want to keep putting her through this, which she hates, if it isn't going to cure her enough to have a decent quality of life. She's withdrawing from us since we're having to bath her etc.
I don't know if fhis could be a temporary solution just to get her out of her pee, but what about getting a wire bottom cage, just until you are able to figure out what is wrong and you are able to remedy it. It would keep her out of her pee and keep the urine scald from getting worse, and give her a chance to dry out.

I read back through, but I couldn't see if you mentioned anything about what you feed her. What kind of pellets, hay. and veggies does she get fed? Did the vet check for any bladder sludge issues? Have you tried limiting calcium and OA in her diet, to see if that makes any difference with her peeing problems?
Hey, just found your thread. As I mentioned in my PM you can try putting towels down on the floor. That suggestion really helped when Gimpy was dealing with his urine scald issues. It might not stop her from peeing outside the litter box but it will help keep her dry and clean so she can start healing. The towels will absorb the pee before it has time to soak into her fur.
What soap are you using? Hibitane soap (diluted chlorhexadine) was effective when my mini rex had scald and mashed in bum poop- though her situation did not seem half as bas as poor Pearl's.
~~~~~~~~~~ Good luck vibes sending your way. ~~~~~~~~~~~
HI All,

We finally got some test results back. The urine culture was positive for the UTI causing bacteria and e-coli. The vet has prescribed some anti-biotics and we have some wonderful bunny-savy people looking after her (and George) for the time being while we are away on vacation. We are waiting for the blood culture to see about the e-cuniculi.
That's good to hear that you were able to find out what has been causing the problem.
HI All,

It's been quite a while since I posted here. Since my last post Pearly went through a couple more rounds of meds for her uti and at her last urine culture/test she came back negative for both the uti bacteria and e-cuniculi. But she was still incontinent and soiling herself resulting in sever urine scald. We were giving her butt baths and triple the recommended dosage of pain medicine, but she still was in pain. She was sleeping much more than usual and was doing the "in pain" tooth grinding. We finally decided that it was time to end her suffering. We took her to a different vet and sent over her records for the vet to review, just to get another medical opinion before we had her put down. The vet agreed that it looked like there was nothing more we could conclusively do to help cure/stabalize her so we did have her put to sleep. She went peacefully and quietly with me, my DH, and her bonded bun George right there with her. The vet did an autopsy and found that Pearl's bladder was enlarger to about five times the size it should be. She said that also would have likely affected Pearl's ability to cotract the bladder muscles.
Thank you all for being a source of comfort and information to me while we were trying to help our Pearl. My heart aches that she's gone, but I am glad she isn't hurting anymore.

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