What is Minilops cute bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
I hope it is ok to put this here i have just been looking through old posts and i saw a post from Minilops and there were two photos on the side, one of a small lop that is browny ginger in colour (sorry i know thats not the correct colour name:?) and i was wondering if someone could take me what make and model it is lol thanks

ps i want one!
lol..make and model. very cute!

I will move this to the Ro forum for you, so maybe Minilops will see this. She can probably tell you. I think all of her bunnies are minilops, but I'm not 100 percent sure.

If she doesn't see this, you can always send her a private message by clicking on her name.

Oh, and welcome to RO! Make sure you introduce yourself in our New Members thread!
Hello :), wow a thread with my name in it!

I have three rabbits. I'll put up some pics of my little boogers and you can tell me which one you meant.

Two of them are mini lops, they are the New Zealand kind which did used to be called Holland lops here years and years ago. They are pet quality.

This is BunBun, he is a sable (or perhaps siamese sable depending on where you come from):



The other rabbit in my avatar is a mixed breed lop, not sure what she is. She is a broken sooty fawn, or a black tort in the states:


And here I have BunBun and Lucky together. Lucky is a black otter mini lop:





Say thanks back for being so cute and thanks for replying its bun bun i was thinking of, is sable the name of the colour or the pattern sorry i'm no good at this stuff yet!

ps i have a friend in auckland right now visiting from the uk would u mind if he came and stole bun buns its very convenient timing for me lol

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