What exactly is Boomer Bunny ???

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Boomer Bunny
Mar 6, 2014
Reaction score
I know he is a RABBIT ! (1 point to me)
I so far have been told he is Agouti (colouring) So i also know that much.

I was told when i was given him he is a dwarf lop. But now i read a dwarf lop is actually a mini lop. (correct me if this is wrong)
But then i also read there is different types of lop....

So what is Boomer?

he is only a baby still i know but i'd like to know for my own curiosity.

He is 8 and a bit more weeks (roughly) weighs 620 grams.
has tube like big ears.
puffy cheeks but a pretty flat face.
HUGE back feet.

here's some photos.

if there is any other angles needed to get a better idea let me know.







mini lop ? holland lop ?
I cant tell the difference. I have narrowed it down to these now going by the 'what breed is my bunny- identification key"
He looks like my Pepper who I have determined is a mini lop. She is a little over 5 lbs at 11 months old now. I got her as a rescue when she was about 6 or 7 months old and she was already pretty big and fat at that point, but I can imagine she looked a lot like Boomer as a baby. She has the Agouti coloring too.

The Holland Lop and Mini Lop have very different body types, but if the rabbit wasn't bred and raised by a serious exhibitor, you probably will not be able to tell by their features. Size is a slightly more accurate indicator, although large Holland Lops and small Mini Lops can be the same size. (This is all American terminology, I know breeds vary elsewhere.)

From the photos of Boomer, I'd say he appears to have more of a Holland Lop look.
Also look at Bville's mini, at the top of his ears. Now look at yours and mine. How the ears are shaped on the top of the head can be another indicator. Hope this helped:)
Yes, Boomer is a mini lop. My departed Trigger looked just like Boomer when he was a baby.

Make certain you keep an eye on his ears. Many vets prescribe a dog ear drop as a preventative measure to keep the ears healthy. He will grow a little more into his ears.

Boomer is so freaking adorable!!!!!
He looks to be a Mini Lop (Holland Lop US) he's very small but as he's still awful young you probably won't know 100% and as previously mentioned if he was bred by someone who doesn't know what traits they're breeding and the BRC (Australia follows BRC with some exceptionstandards for his breed. Also he could be a cross between a Dwarf Lop and a Mini Lop! Either that or he could be like my tiny boy Mello he's a purebred and up to all standards besides his size as he was the runt and never grew as big as his littermates. He's now four years old and only slightly larger than a Mini Lop. If you know of a registered breeder in your area who breeds Mini Lops and/or Dwarf Lops you can ask for advice as most breeders who specialize can identify the two breeds as long as they aren't badly faulted.

Also your little guy is definitely an agouti. Cinnamon agouti I think? I'm not entirely sure on which kind it is I just know it's not silver (Chinchilla)! I don't specialize nor work with agouti colours in my rabbits or guinea pigs.

He's a cutie, he seems very spoiled (I've been reading his threads!) Boomer is lucky. :)
Well, you're right on a couple of things--rabbit, yes; Agouti, yes. But you missed the most important thing--CUTE as a button. Does look like a mini, but, time will be a better tell. We rescued a bunny years ago and were told she was an English Spot mix and was full grown as she was 7 pounds and very skinny. She filled out over the next 8 months and hit almost 20 pounds. Turns out she was a very young Checkered Giant.

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