What does your typical bunny day consist of?

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Typical day? Hmm.. well:

6:45am - Wake up

7:10am - Go out and check on rabbits. Feed and water.

7:30am - Leave for school

3:30pm - Get home from school

3:35pm- Go out and check on rabbits again. Play, water, and feed the ones who get fed again.

5:00pm- 10:30pm- Get on computer, do homework, watch TV, eat.

10:30pm- Sleep.
edwinf8936 wrote:
Stop it!, Stop it! No, No!, No!!. Get down, Getdown!, No more!, Stop It!, No!, Calm Down!!. Act like younever ate before!, Stop It!, Get down! Bed time.

LMAO! You are so funny! but it's true!

bo gets so worked up and mad about some thing or another (usually "Ineed to potty" or "don't stop petting me!") that he starts digging onmy shirt and will catch the collar and nearly flip himself over andinside! lol

While working from home, the days aren't really et at times but the ORDER goes like this:

wake up

check on monkeys, get dishes out of their cage, give them the morning "rub down"

let Daytona out for his "pee pees"

start coffee, wash monkey dishes, wash Daytona dishes

open all the blinds, say goodmorning, and give Katannah his "rub down"

let Daytona in

fill Daytonas dishes

take monkey dishes up to them, fill them

let the monkeys out, because by this point they are chewing on the door, rattling the cage, and tossing toys...:X

check emails, business, website, etc. while eating cereal!

round up the monkeys

have a shower

feed Katannah

answer phone call after phone call, email after email............................................:?

make lunch

take daytona for walk

answer phone call after phone call, fill out shipping info, go to post office.....

dinner YAY!

take Daytona for walk

play with the monkeys, Daytona, (husband) LMBO! NOT all at the same time!


Which is where i'm going NOW!:shock:

Lyndsy and 'the monkeys':)


My day goes kinda like this

6:00 wake up....sorta, feed/water the rabbits (they are all in my bedroom so they are really accessible)

6:15 take shower

6:30 go on the computer for like two hours....

8:30 eat breakfast

9:00 start some sort of school (Home schooling has its good points!!!)

11:30 Done with school now I go to "work" walking theneighbors dogs, people don't call it a job but i say if i can get $100a week doing it, then its a job!

12:00 eat lunch

1:00 Go check on the rabbits again, get Big old Nimue out and take him upstairs

1:30 take pictures of Nim

2:00 Let Nim outside

2:30 Nim goes back inside

3:00 Take more pictures of Nim

3:30 Go walk more dogs

4:00 Brush Nim and give him his favorite treats and work on his tricks

4:30 start making dinner (my mom just had surgery so i do a lot of the cooking)

5:30 dinner time! Nim of course gets to have a dinner too!

6:30 back on the computer with Nim at my feet for another hour and a half

8:00 watch TV until 9 (NANNY 911 !YAY!)

9:00 get ready for bed and bring Nim back down stairs

10:00 asleep

edwinf8936 wrote:
Stop it!, Stop it! No, No!, No!!. Get down, Getdown!, No more!, Stop It!, No!, Calm Down!!. Act like younever ate before!, Stop It!, Get down! Bed time.

This is like the first 15 minutes of my day...

:~) Jim

4:30 Hubby leaves for work...

4:45 Guinevere is giving me a facial.

5:00 Rattle bang rattle crash, chew tear dig. (Gir wanting breakfast)

5:30 Feed the rabbits when they refuse to let me sleep another moment.

5:45 Rush to get dressed

6:00 Drop some nummies in Guin's treat bowl then off to work.

7-3 Work... sucks... royally...

4:00 Guin greets me at the door and gets cuddles.

4:30 Hubby whines about dinner

5:00 dinner time

6:00 Litter box cleaning, playing with Gaz the rat

7:00 Snuggles and computer time (Depending on how my day at work went ;) )

8:00 TV

9:00 usually pass out with a rabbit on the bed hehe
Lenci's day:









Beg for treats

Beg for more

6 am -7 am: Let Cosmo do binkies on top of me while I lay down on the floor, trying to keep my eyes open while I supervise...

7- whenever someone calls me: sleep more

refill pellets and water

walk dog

clean litter box/whole cage if need be

give some greens

Cosmo sleeps all day while I eat and watch tv, and go shopping, and check the forum, and look hopelessly for a job

walk dog

8 pm: Let Cosmo do his after sunset binkies and probably give some more greens

Fall asleep on couch by accident while Cosmo is still out of thecage! Wake up to his nose in my face, put him to bed, thenput myself to bed

I wake up sometime in the mid-late afternoon... set up Meat's puppy pen& toy basket & open hercage, make sure shehasn't done anything untoward w/ her water bowl, & top off hayif necessary.

Later in the evening, I dump the nasty oldhay &newspaper out of Meat'slitterbox & replace w/ nicenew stuff. Fill hay racks.

Sometime between 7 & 10 am, I fill Meat's food dish w/ a mix ofpellets & hay chaff, refill all hay containers, refill herwater bowl & make sure there's still water inherwaterbottle, then lock up the cage, put away the toy basket,fold up the puppy pen, bid Meat a good night & go to bed.

Of course, there's also a whole heck of a lot of head petting, playing,brushing, dispensing of treats, & generally just hanging out w/the bun interspersed randomly throughout the day. Sometimes Imake new toys for her, too, and every once in awhile I wrestle Meatinto her harness & we go exploring in the backyard... but noneof that's on any sort of a schedule. :}

Almost forgot to answer the pet question... I've got 3 ferrets& a bearded dragon, all of which live in their very own cages& get run times in different parts of the house, and will nevermeet Meat (well, someday I might have to take some goofy pix w/ Meat& the lizard...) We've also got nearly too many catsto count: some ignore Meat completely, some like to play w/ her throughthe bars of the puppy pen (until Meat gets too interested in them...then it's too scary & they run away ;D ).One of my cats seems to really really want to be friends w/ Meat,& she's the only one who's been allowed in Meat's personalspace... only w/ supervision, though.

Here's Gypsy in Meat's old cage, back when Meat still had the run ofone of the bedrooms. Note that I did not put Gypsy in thecage, nor do anything to entice her into it... she walked in of her ownaccord, immediately sat down in the litter box, & startedeating hay.


Soooooo not right in the head...

One of our cats eats hay too
Cats love hay. Tank also likes somecilantro when I give it to Bo. They share "pet grass" when Ibuy it at the grocery as well.....
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
JimD wrote:
edwinf8936 wrote:
Stop it!,Stop it! No, No!, No!!. Get down, Get down!, No more!, StopIt!, No!, Calm Down!!. Act like you never ate before!, StopIt!, Get down! Bed time.

This is like the first 15 minutes of my day...

:~) Jim
And the other half?:p

Quality time with my Woody Pet :D
VNess2010 wrote:
JimD wrote:
Quality time with my Woody Pet :D
hahahah, Jim, are you trying to say that your woody pet is moreof a pet than your bunnypet???
I tend to get bit less by the Woody Pet! It doesn't thump or give me the butt! It doesn't beg for treats! ... .........;)

:~) Jim

PS: Remember Pet Rocks??

There's an episode in Family Guy (my favoriteshow ever) where Peter's pet rock peed on the carpet...hahahha...heproceeds by picking it up with pee dripping everywhere saying, "no no,bad rock"...HEHEHE


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