What does your typical bunny day consist of?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
I am just wonderingso I have a example to start on. I was also wondering, if anyof you do not mind, do any of you have other pets, any kids, and how dothey react to the buns? We have 2 little girls, 2 and 3,pets-there is my 18 year old cat Hobbes and my 3 year old 70+lb dingbatdog Calvin. Hobbes is mildly interested in Miffy, she kindalooks in on her every now and then, but Calvin gets whiney excited whenshe starts moving around her cage. He is behind a gate about10-15 feet from her and has not been let out in the house since shecame. I think it is just curiosity from him, when he was inthe house before, he never chased Hobbes, just sniffed hersome. The girls have pet her a little bit, and they willwatch her some, they know they need to be not so loud around her andvery gentle if I let them pet her.

Oh and hubby is outside building her aoutsiderun with hutch right now. I must say it willbe big, it will sit in the grass with chicken wire on the ground and ahutch on one end that has sort of a patio for her. He is alsoputting big wheels on one end so I will be able to move it around theyards with out his help. On the inside he is going to buildit with another level. On the end with the hutch will be adoor to clean it out and put her in and out. She will not beoutside all the time, she will still be inside at night, this is forwhen it is nice and sunny. I will make sure she will havealmost all of it covered whether it is with a board over the top or theshade from all the trees we have. And the best part is allthis was his idea! Even before we got her, he started to talkabout building her a run/hutch for the outside. I will postpics of it when he is done.
We have a 70 lb dingbat dog also! Is he black andwhite? lol.... She loves Bo tho. She thinks he's a puppy!She's constantly got her nose up his butt checking him....

Bo gets out for playtime while we get things going in themornings. He gets breakfast before that (just a little snack)and then I check his hay for the day, and give him his pellets.

He sleeps most of the day while the kids are gone and stuff. Sometimes he'll get out for some cuddle time with me.

The kids (9 and 13)have him out holding him within minutes ofbeing home from school. He gets annoyed if he's tired LOL!

Evenings at some point he gets out for at least 1 more hour and most ofthe time 2. He has a good time just running around, throwingboxes, carrying his soccer cleat....

Salad and bedtime follow that.

Our inside cat plays with him some, but he recently took a chunk of furout of the cat so it's not such a good relationship anymore :?

My normal bunny day goes like this:

Sometime in the evening, give them their feed, each get 4 1/2 ounces with unlimited hay.

Then, switch them, coop floor to cage, cage to coop floor.

Next, fill water bowls.

Clean up any poopies or pee spots, in the cage poop/pee catcher thingy, i clean it once a week.

On nice days, let them outside before all this happens.

A typical day hmm:

Get up and wake up Jer

Stumble to the kitchen and start coffee, morning Wollo, kiss that nose, top off pellets hay and 'nilla water

check the forum then the weather, start breakfast and baby talk to Wollo while doing it

get Jer off to scholl, check the forum, rub those big ears

clean the house, set out all of Wollo's toys and let him out, check the forum

Give Apollo some newspaper and unplug the camera, this is always fun

Make sure to get Apollo's truck abuse time and paper dance pictures

Jer gets home, love on both my boys

help with homework then check the forum, start supper

Give Apollo his veggies and a treat, slip Apollo an extra treat when nobody's looking

Eat supper

spend time with my boys, check the forum and take more pics

spend an hour reading and posting on the forum As a family

get Jer ready for bed, top off pellets,hay and'nilla water, play with Apollo

Nite Jer, swap a dirty weewee pad for a clean one, pick up the mess Apollo made with all his toys and paper

check the forum and tell ya'll something my boys did today, while Apollo sleeps on my foot

Nite Apollo, give him a piece of paper to keep him busy, check the forum and stay up past my bedtime

say goodnite to ya'll, kiss that nose again turn, out the lights, stumble to bed, Nite Tina

I have a daughter 21,a son 4 he likes thebunnies.a cat ignores bunnies,three dogs jack russell wants to eat thebunnies,jack russell chihuahua mix curious about bunnies,chihuahualoves bunnies.bluebird
Usually I get up around six thirty or seven andstumble into the kitchen to make some coffee. As the rabbits have aview of the kitchen doorway, as soon as they see me they start rattlingthe cage door. So I let them out and then have to supervise them asthey run around like they've never had freedom before.

About an hour later I have toherd Valuran back into the cageso I can go work out. They've recently lost all privileges as far asremaining outside of the cage while I'm not in the room.

Get back from working out and then spend the rest of the day being a slave to the buns.

In the evening, when they're very active, we usually give them someveggies or parsley or something. This is the best time to play tug ofwar with Valuran. Abby and I have our special Mommy/Bunny time in theevenings too.
Alarm goes off, and a three sets of kitty feetrun up and down my prostrate body, accompanied by high-decibel "meows".The rabbits start thumping and rattling their cage.

Stumble out of bed, close the three younger cats in my bedroom (to loudprotests), and see that the older cat is fed and settled into mybrother's bedroom. Beauty of homeschooling: getting as much sleep asyou need. So I close both the kids' bedroom doors, lest the youngercats bother them or Beeper.

Servethe kitties, set their dishes on the floor, open mydoor, and stay out of the way as they - like the bulls of Pamploma -make their way to the kitchen. The smacking of lips and thetinklingof tags against ceramic tells me they're happilyoccupied.

Meanwhile, the rabbits have been literally bouncing off thewalls of their cage. I get their bag of pre-made salad out of thefridge, and head back to my room. I open the cage door, and they skiddown the ramp and alternate between circling my feet and racing aroundthe room.

Breakfast is the highlight of their day :cool:.

I dump the salad intheir bowls and call them back over to thecage. Their snorts and growls are soon replaced by chomping andgrunting.


Then there's time for me to maybe get a bite to eat, getdressed, and start my day. Depending on whether or not I have to leavefor school, the bunnies may have a few hours in the morning to runaround my room. If not, they'll have that chance later, they alwaysgetseveral hours of no-cage time.

At some point, I empty the rabbits' litterbox, scoop the cats'litterboxes, see that everyone has fresh water, and the bunnies haveplenty of hay. Flip the mat in the rabbits' cage so all the lil'poopies fall through the wire. Straighten up the hamster's cage, givehim a few fresh fruits or veggies, check to make sure he's alive (thelittle man's a wee bit antisocial), and clean his litterbox.

At noon I give the cats their mid-day snack, some big pieces of rawchicken, beef, or lamb. When the bunnies and cats are taking theirafternoon naps, I'll do a headcount of who needs to be brushed, or havetheir nails clipped, and put it on my "to do" list. Later when they'reawake again, I check teeth and eyes and noses, and do a little groomingas needed.

Then I spend a little quality time on the floor with the buns, followedby a rigorous half-hour play therapy session with the cats. They allget dinner around five, at which point I usuallycollapse andtry not to think about having to do it all again tomorrow :p.

Pellets/Hay/Water all rabbits every morning.

I work at home and have an indoor x-pen in the office.Rabbits take turns hanging out with me running around the room or inthe x-pen chewing up shoe boxes and making a general mess.

Research Rabbit stuff

Daughter comes home from school and plays with rabbits.

Evening feeding, check water and give treat.

I clean hutches once or twice a week. Once a month they get a thorough scrubbing.

Clip nails once a month.

I have a few long hair varieties that need combing, at least once a week.
6:30 a.m. - Put Lenci in her cage. Feed the bunnies and let Iszy out of her cage for free run of the house.

7:00 a.m. - Leave for work.

Noon - Home for lunch to put Iszy back in her cage.

1:00 p.m. - Back to work

5:00 p.m.- Home from work. Let Lenci out of her cage for free run for the evening.

My rabbits are not routine bound, though I'm sure they'd like to be!

The college life doesn't lend itself to really regular days.

Usually I get up around 10, let the bunnies out for an hour or so whileI piddle around the apartment getting things togeter for class. Theythen get a handful of food for a small breakfast, but also asenticement to get them back in their cage. And fresh water and haywhenever it looks like they need it.

Some days I come home and have a couple of free hours midafternoon, sothe kids get let out again and get another tiny handful of food whenit's time for them to go back inside. Other days, I don't get homeuntil much later. Sometimes my roomie spends time with them outside thecage as well.

I make a point to be home right after my dinner time every night forbunny dinner. They get a heaftier portion of pellets and a big bowl ofsalad. I also like to hand feed them bits throughout the day whenthey're out and about.

With this crazy routine their most active time has become late evening.I'm usually back in my room by 10 or 11 and the kids go nuts! 11:30pmis when I get most of the binkies, bunny 500s, and all aroundcraziness. Then they sleep in, just like me! :) It's a good life.
Thank you for all thereplies, some of them were quite funny, I can relate to thecats. My cat Hobbes sleeps with me every night and takes upmost of the bed! I am still working on a routine for Miffybut I do clean out her cage every morning, she is messy for a littlebunny! I am trying to let her out for a while, mainly in theevening after the girls go to bed. I am still figuring it allout though. I need to go and buy some cord covers, so whenshe is out, I am there watching her run around and do binkieseverywhere! Here is a pic of Calvin the goofball posing forthe camera!
I had to eliminate a bunch of cords and limit Bo to the familyroom, hall and bathroom. He loves the bathroom! :?

The main thing with kids is to watch them so they don't pick her up thewrong way and hurt her back and that everyone watches where they arewalking cause they tend to get under your feet or like Bo, he'spossessive of the loveseat and will see someone starting to sit downand he goes up under them to try to "fight them off" ..... he's almostbeen squished! :shock:

You will learn to live with hay. I find it everywhere! :X

Here is our dingbat goosing bo once again..... I think yours and mine make a nice pair LOL! Notice Bo's face! :p
I have two girls Alyssa 3 and Caitlyn nearly 10 months. I have my 3 buns, two cats and Ryan has two Ferrets.

Typical day here:

7.00am Get Ryan up for work and get myself ready

7.30am Give Caitlyn her bottle

7.45am Get Alyssa up, dressed and give her some breakfast

8.00am Get Caitlyn dressed and changed

8.15am Uncover Daisy to let the morning into her hutch. Morning bunny kisses

8.30am Feed the cats

9.00amSet off to take Alyssa to nursery

9.45am Come home and give Caitlyn her breakfast

10.00am Check forum

10.30am Have my breakfast while Caitlyn has a nap

11.00am Have playtime with Caitlyn

11.30am Pick up Alyssa from nursery

12.15am Make Lunch

1.00pm Check forum

1.30pm Feed and water rabbits, remove soiled litter

2.00pm Playtime with the girls and buns

3.00pm Do housework while they have a nap

4.30pm Put tea on

4.45pm Playtime for Alyssa (normally messy fun)

5.30pm Eat tea

6.00pm Check forum

7.00pm Watch my soaps

8.00pm Bath the girls and get ready for bed

8.30pm Ryan plays with Alyssa while I give Caitlyn her bottle

9.00pm Put girls to bed and read stories

9.30pm Do the tea pots

10pm Check forum

11.00+pm Put my feet up

12.30am Go to bed

Aaaaaah all in a days work lol! I usually find another 101 things otherthen that to do. That is just the basic everyday essentials.

mambo101 wrote:









This sounds like my typical bunny day, except I shower first (so that'sless time between feedings while I'm at work) and instead of feedingthe cavies I spray the lizard.:)

My boyfriend is usually either working at home or in the neighborhood,so the buns usually get some attention during the day, too.
Stop it!, Stop it! No, No!, No!!. Getdown, Get down!, No more!, Stop It!, No!, Calm Down!!. Actlike you never ate before!, Stop It!, Get down! Bed time.

edwinf8936 wrote:
Stop it!, Stop it! No, No!, No!!. Get down, Getdown!, No more!, Stop It!, No!, Calm Down!!. Act like younever ate before!, Stop It!, Get down! Bed time.

LOL that is exactly how my bunny day usually goes too!! :p

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