What does your rabbit like to play with?

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Get timothy hay, not alfalfa hay and give a 16%protein pellet. Also, get a bundle of say, parsley to startw/. Stay on that for as long as you can. Change outhe greens next time you go to the store, try cilantro, or even mustardgreens.
as far as the toys go, the only commercial toy my bun really love is this green maze ball thing from petco.



Brodie loves when I take 10 or soAppletree twigs tie themin the center with sisal twine so thatthey form a ball like thing, she rolls it around and chews on it forhours.

Minealso love a bird toythey got a hold of once. Ithaspieces of crumbledup colorsafe constructionpaper, Apple tree twigs, toilet paper cardboard rolls, peicesof safe dyed wood, and a bell, all tied together with cotton rope. Itwas a hanging bird toy I had made for my birds, but it somehow ended upin the hands of the Buns, and they loved it. So I havebeenmaking them for them as well ever since.

But even simpler toys are like everyone has been saying cardboard boxes and shredded paper is always a favorite.

Food: Ask the breeder what shefeeds and buy some of that or get some from her. If you want,you can slowly switch the bun to a different brand. Do notmake any diet changes quickly because you don't want to upset therabbit's stomach. For young growing buns, the best and leastexpensive foods are at feed/farm stores. Heinholds, BlueSeal, Manna Pro, Purina (although there's some rumours flying about badlots), etc. 16% protein and at least 18% fiber, the morefiber the better. Also lots of grass hay. Just getit in a bale. Since the rabbit will live outside you'll needit for bedding in winter too.

Hutch: Could you make one? I have never seenan acceptable hutch for sale. Ever. Some stores dosell them, like Fleet Farm and Petsmart, but they're tiny andneedlessly expensive. IMO, a total waste of money.Don't buy one of the metal breeder-type cages unless you'll be keepingthe rabbit in a shed or barn. They keep the rabbit tooexposed to the cold and to predators.

Outside rabbits tend to get less exercise and attention, so they needbigger cages than indoor rabbits. Personally I wouldn't gosmaller than 4 ft long. In the UK, where outdoor rabbits aremore common and well taken care of, the RSPCA won't let anyone adopt arabbit unless they have at least a 5 ft long hutch and a large run forthem to play in daily.

You can find lots of ideas and some instructions here:

You'll need to make sure it's very sturdy and has a comfortablewalled-off sleeping area for warmth in winter and also for them to hidein if a predator attacks.

Are you absolutely sure you have to keep the rabbit outside?I can help you build a much less expensive, but absolutely fantastic,indoor cage out of wire shelving grids. You can make it tofit your home. For example, if you have a spare corner youcould just put something down for a non-slip floor and fence thatcorner off. They're not safe outside though because a big dogor coyote (which do roam in the cities) could rip it apart if it wantedto.

Toys: Check the Bunny 101 toy thread for lots of ideas:

Do you have a craft store like Michaels or Hobby Lobby? Theyboth have small untreated grapevine wreaths that are awesome andcheap. My buns love them when they're hung up with other chewtoys on sisal string. Untreated wicker baskets are also loadsof fun, as are wicker ball-shaped hamster nests from petstores. I stuff those with hay. Two things that youreally should try are plastic cat toys with jingle bells and hardplastic baby keys ($1 at Walmart). Rabbits love to make noise.

Treats: Keep it simple. Raisins and rolledoats (Old Fashioned Quaker Oats). My buns go nuts overthem. Only give one raisin or a few flakes of oats at atime. Too many treats leads to upset tummies and fat rabbits.
My girls love anything that can be chewed or dugat. They have a large litter tray filled with soil to dig in, a seagrass mat, vine balls, willow balls, a straw plait, cat beds tosit/sleep in and boxes and tunnels to run through and hide in.:D

Naturestee made some good points on outdoor housing, but also rememberit needs to be tall enough for your bun to stand right up without it'sears touching the roof and be able to stretch right out for the widthof the hutch. This website had a good size guide:)

thank you. All of you helped. Will try to post pics as soon as I can.
Just talked with the breederer and she said we could actually come sat. Will post pics on another post thing.