What do you think of walking bunnies?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2010
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West Rockies, Colorado, USA
So I'm wanting to keep my bunnies inside. I have them in now and I want to get another cage here soon and if/when I get my other doe get a cage for her too and just keep them inside.
It makes cleaning their pens a little harder so the room doesnt get stinky but I think keeping them inside as a lot more pros then cons. Like nothing eating them or their future babies, not worrying about them getting to warm or to hot, ect...

So I am wanting to try to get them used to a bunny harness and leash. What do you guys think?
That way they can be outside in the sun, get exercise, run around in the grass and eat the grass. I just think it'd be really neat. And I cant them run around the house to much because they hide so its hard to catch them and go potty everywhere and yeah =/.

Of course I'd get a stretchy leash so that they dont hurt them selves and get them used to it before using it.
Like putting it in their cage for a while. So it smells like them and a little more familiar.
I just think it'd be neat and they'd and I would enjoy it, what you guys think?

Great to hear you are doing the indoor thing! It's much easier because you dont have to go outside (especially snow etc) to clean cages, feed etc. And you know they are safer than being out there with the predators. I would worry so much if my buns were outside. Housing indoors does require a lot of work, ike bunnyproofing etc so they dont chew carpet and eat wires.

I myself have not had much luck with harnesses. My bunnies have been able to get out of the stretchy harness and I have heard of rabbits being injured while in them. It can be done, but you have to be watching them the whole time. Have you considered an alternative like making a little run for them you could take outside? I do this for my bunnies and take them out from time to time.

I use the NIC panels that so many of us make cages out of and zip tie them together. It folds up nicely so you can take it out when you need it. The pro is that your bunny gets to run a little more in the area and eat grass etc. The con is that there is no top to it so you have to watch them all the time (for predators like hawks etc and also because it's not very strong in case a dog came up).

Just my two cents..Good luck!
yeah, I live in the rockies of Colorado, so we get a ton of snow.
So it really would be a lot more work outside then inside.

And I plan to bunny proof my place when I move out, hopefully I can get them litter trained by then...but who knows? lol
but hopefully then they can run around inside more, here its just to hard =/

Yeah, I see what your saying.
I dont know, I'm just going to try it. And try to get them used to it...I think they wouldnt hate them to much? Might take a little bit to get used too...but I'm hoping it can work.

I was thinking about making a wood framed run and then putting chicken wire all around it.
So they cant get out and it'd be pretty hard for anything to get in. And it'd have a top.
I'd watch them while they were out most likely though.
I'd have to make a way to get in to get them out without lifting the whole thing...cause otherwise I might have a lose bunny on my hands that'd be tough to catch lol.

I was also trying to figure out what I'm going to do when they have babies.
I do plan on breeding...in the summer it should be pretty easy to let the babies run around in the run when they're old enough.
But I was thinking that they'll be old enough to breed by September, so might try to get Christmas bunnies and sell indoor cages with them. Think anyone would be interested in that?
Anyways, I was trying to figure out how I could let them run around still without having baby bunnies going potty everywhere...since I obviously cant let them run around outside in the winter...
I guess I could buy or make a similar run and put a small tarp down in my living room...idk lol

Anyways! Random...sorry ;)

My rabbits are used to harnesses and leashes to a point. I do agility with them, so they need the harness while on the course. I don't really used leashes unless one of them is being a bit difficult and not wanting to do the course properly or if we are outside.
At home, I don't really have a safe outdoor area for them to run around. I do sometimes take them outside in front of the house. They are on a harness and leash as we are near a street. They do fine, but I do use a long leash so they can move around as they want to. We usually aren't out too long.
As far as getting them used to a harness, I wouldn't leave them alone with one. There are rabbits that will chew through a harness in a few seconds and make it totally useless. You should supervise them with the harness just in case. Be careful with the harnesses you choose. There are already a few topics about it on here that you can look at.

If you really want your rabbit to enjoy being outside, I would get an x-pen and use that. If gives the rabbits freedom to move around but keeps them safe. A cover is a good idea to provide shade and protect from predators. I would be out with them if you use a pen.

For inside, you should rabbit proof an area and litter train your rabbits. The rabbit proofing is to keep them from getting into areas you don't want them and to prevent chewing on wires. Litter training makes cleaning easier. Even having a pen is a good way to start getting them used to being out.
yeah, I'll have to find those posts.
And thats a good point lol
I could hold them and the harness, so that they get used to it being around them and stuff.
And realize its not going to attack them or anything lol

Yeah, I said above how i was thinking about making a run.
So I'm sure I'll do that.
I just live in a gorgeous area with grass and trees everywhere and I think they would really enjoy being able to explore.
I've realized that they're very curious bunnies.
They want to go everywhere.
Unfortunatly I cant really let them in this house.
Although I will work on rabbit proofing my bedroom, so they cant get under a bed or chew on cords...
I'm starting to try to litter train them.
But not having much luck.
Maybe its because they're so young? They're almost nine weeks.
I put a tray with news paper in their cage yesterday where they were mostly going and put a news paper that was slightly used so they'd get the idea.
And they go in it but then they go in other places of the cage too...now they've decided to be random about where they go.
So I dont know...should I just leave it in there and then keep trying?
Hopefully they'll get the idea once they're a little older...

But thats really cool you use them for agility.
What all do you do with them?
How do you get into something like that?
I dont think they have that for bunnies around here =/
once I get my own dog I for sure want to get into something like that with her.
But it'd be really neat to do something like that with my bunnies :)

I've tried it twice with Baci. The first time it was a struggle to get the harness on him. I took him outside and walked up our driveway. The second time after I got the harness on him before we even walked out the door he already freed himself out of it. Fortunately he did it before we got out the door.

I would suggest trying to walk them indoors first withthe harness and leash to see how they react.
Personally, I'm very anti-harness. I have heard to many horror stories of rabbits freaking out on them (even those that were properly trained and very laid back) and breaking their backs. I would never use one, even in the house.

I think the best way to take bunnies outside is to set up a pen in the grass, or pen off a porch, and let them run around that way.
My rabbits have harnesses and they're fine with them. You just have to be careful because some don't like them and freak out. Also they try and chew on them. But as long as you get them used to having it on before actually taking them outside (practice inside first where its safer) then you should be okay.
I took my rabbit out of it's hutch yesterday and put a small dog collar onher andshe just walked around likeshe had done it a million times!The collar accidentally slipped off of her once and she didn't even know it.She just sat there and I put the collar back on her.I was very surprised!
I think you should think about what you expect them to do on the harness. If you expect to put them in a harness and follow them around with the lease than it might work.

However, they are not going to "go for a walk". Rabbits don't follow people on leases like dogs do. They wont go the way you want them to. Its like trying to walk a cat...

So I just wanted to clarify you just want to put a harness on them so they wont escape in your backyard, but not that you want to go for a walk around then neighborhood.
I suggest using a harness rather than a collar. ;) Like you mentioned, Ty, a collar will slip off, but it is also putting a lot of pressure on their necks and can cause them to choke/strangle.

With harnesses, the pressure is off of their necks and distributed evenly all over their upper body. With a properly fitted harness, they won't be able to slip out of it, either.

Like Jessica said, bunnies will not walk on a harness like a dog would. They are mainly means of having your rabbit in control while outside, and you following the rabbit. If properly trained, the rabbit can respond to aids such as left, right, stop, etc. but it takes a lot of time and effort to do so.

I have found that litter training when they're about at weaning age 6-7 weeks is really the easiest. Most all of my litters, when using a litter box in Momma's cage, and then having their own when they are weaned, learn how to properly use a litter box. :)

I recommend getting an H-style harness, rather than a vest harness, or a figure-8 harness. ;) They are easier to put on, adjustable, and more evenly distribute the pressure of a harness/leash.

Yeah I see what you guys are saying.
Well I did pick two up at petco today, along with a bunny brush, litter box and some litter that is recommended for rabbits and other small animals.
I wont be able to try the harnesses until Monday though =/

But yeah, I'm going to just have it around them a lot so that they get used to it a little before putting it on. Have it kind of smell like them and stuff before it is on them.
And then I'll try it. Maybe I'll put it on half way and then see how they react and if they're ok continue to put it on all the way.
But I will be very careful :).

Yeah, I'll try it around the house and get them used to it before taking them out. They're young, only about nine weeks so I'm hoping that I can get them used to it better now then if they were fully grown.
I am wanting to see if they'll be ok with leashes cause I live in a tiny town in the rocky mountains of colorado.
So theres lots of grass and places for us to go for them to explore and just get some exercise. Cause they cant really explore to much in my house. Theres to many places for them to hid and its hard to catch them when they do lol
I know that they dont follow like dogs, you have to follow them.
I'll probably bring them to nice green areas with trees and bushes and such for them to explore and follow them. And if they're going somewhere I dont want them to go, then I'll pick them up and take them somewhere else.
Not yank them on the leash or anything :)
I believe the ones I have are velcro and clip on. With a stretchy leash to help prevent injury. That way if they do yank away all the pressure isnt on them and their small backs :)

So hopefully I can try it on Monday and see how it goes =]. I can also try their new brush and litter box... I will keep you all updated! :)


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