haha, sorry. She is not going anywhere! She was a surprise for my 9 year old.
I am irritated though, we had to wait for her, which is fine, and then I got her on Wednesday, yesterday I went to enter her into my records and realized I didn't have a DOB, so I e-mailed the seller and she wrote back 4-25-11... That means she is 6 weeks old tomorrow!!! I know she is eating fine and drinking but I really think rabbits, well most animals, but especially dwarfs should stay with mom until at LEAST six weeks. I won't sell a rabbit before 8. I am more frustrated because this is the 2nd time in the last few weeks that I was sold rabbits underage because they 'forgot' how old they were....
Regardless, she is doing great here, I just have to keep an eye on her weight... She is a very wide bunny, which I was excited about, maybe a TINY pinch in her shoulders but not much.
Sorry for the rant...