Bunny Lover
Active Member
what do you guys and girls do if your rabit bites you?
I know someone who sprays with a water squirt bottle butthat seems sort of wrong to me...that same person trains her rabbits tonot chew furniture or cords by spraying with water. Is that cruel? Sheactually says that it works but I would never do it.
I tell them "NO" in a sharp tone and I lightly press down ontheir head so they are in a submissive pose. Notice I said LIGHTLYpress down. I then rub them behind the ears and say "good bunny" ifthey don't fight me and love on them a bit.
I'll let others share what they do.
Welcome to the club! Been there, done that!Some times the reaction is so automatic, you don't even have time tothink about it. The Missus has taken a fly swatterto one of our recalcitrant buns on occasion, who responds by trying to"make nice," after she's been swatted. I know rabbits are notsupposed to "understand" punishment, but how did they learn no-nos fromMom, or the rest of the litter?
We have a bun who used to be a biter of me, at least , and drew bloodintentionally on more than one occasion. After trying manythings to end the behavior, the only thing that has worked, with him,has been to grab him behind the neck and press him to the floor,meanwhile telling him I am the "Boss Rabbit," the "Alpha Rabbit," andthat he must submit.
It sometimes broke my heart to see him struggle to break free, but Iwould only release him after he held still, suggestingsubmission. Then, I would release, pet and praisehim. Some people warned me that he could permanently injurehimself while struggling, and I suspect they are correct, but you knowwhat, I don't want to have to deal with a biter! Manybreeders will eliminate biters from their herds, rather than riskinjury to themselves or others at some later date.
In the beginning, I had to employ this tactic fairly regularly, but indiminishing frequencies as time went on. Can't remember thelast time I had to do it. Either the bun has mellowed on itsown, or it did learn the lesson. I suspect it is the latter.
You just got Benji's attention for a while, and it is obvious he holdsno grudges. Don't flail yourself over it.Obviously, the bunny isn't interested in flailing you, either.
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