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JEN - thanks for the links:biggrin2: im sure i can get things locally if i try - pounding pavements probably:rollseyes exeter is diverse enough! most likely i've never looked properly and have walked right past them. will have a look at the book when i traipse round tesco later -better check it out in case it's tooooo exotic for the men in my life:p

honestly i dont know who are fussier - family or buns;)

hope you're over the food poisoning!
Pet_Bunny wrote:
BethM wrote:
Jason just ate steak and rice; I cut my steak into two pieces, saving one for lunch tomorrow, and had it with rice and squash. Yum!

Guess what I had tonight! :D


T-Bone Steak, BBQ sauce, on rice with peas.
mmmmhhhh.....that looks lovely!:D
hartleybun wrote:
JEN - thanks for the links:biggrin2: im sure i can get things locally if i try - pounding pavements probably:rollseyes exeter is diverse enough! most likely i've never looked properly and have walked right past them. will have a look at the book when i traipse round tesco later -better check it out in case it's tooooo exotic for the men in my life:p

honestly i dont know who are fussier - family or buns;)

hope you're over the food poisoning!
Lol! I reccommend, that you have a good look at the book (in fact, I can't reccommend enough that you buy it! Even if you never cook a recipe from it, it's still a brilliant read- I LOVE Rick Stein and could listen to him for days on end lol), that you decide which recipes you want to make, and what ingredients you'll need and shop accordingly. I tried to do a general shop to cover myself for several recipes, and instead realised that I didn't have all the ingredients for even one thing lol! I did make a sort of version of on of the Thai recipes for beef, pak choi etc though. Very yummy. I think if you don't want it so hot, just leave out some of the chilli. I personally like it quite spicy.

Tonight I just made up a recipe! I made a paste out of lemongrass (2 stalks), garlic, 2 shallots, ginger, green chillies, turmeric (dried- can't find fresh ANYWHERE!), and a touch of groundnut oil and water. Fried that for a few minutes, added some sliced chicken breast, and then coconut milk. After about 5 minutes, added some fish sauce, soy sauce and a bit of brown sugar, and then a few minutes later added sliced spring onions and lots of pak choi/bok choi and choi sum, and cooked it for a bit until the pak choi was cooked. Then I added some freshly chopped red chilli, and served it on top of some cooked egg noodles.

No idea about it's authenticity, or anything, but it was yummy! And very easy to make, once I'd made the paste, which I imagine would keep in the fridge for a couple of days in a jar or something. It wasn't hot at all, despite the amount of chilli I'd used- think the coconut milk died it down nicely.

I really, really want to try and make 'Pho' one day. It's in the book, and I'm dying to try it. It will happen!
I made some more spaghetti noodles and used up the leftover sauce from last night.
I just adore spaghetti, but my problem is that I always eat too much of it. It's just too good.
The basil plants in my garden are going crazy, so yesterday I made my favorite pesto recipe, and had it on linguini. Some crusty Italian bread toasted with butter, and some sliced fresh mozzarella.

Tonight will be leftovers, though I might have less pasta, and make a veggie burger (mushroom flavor) and melt the mozzarella on top of it.

I actuallymade a double batch of the pesto, and only used half last night, so I'll probably be eating it the rest of the week, lol!
degrassi wrote:
How do you make your pesto? I was thinking of finding a recipe as my basil is also going crazy.

This is my favorite pesto recipe:

2 TIGHTLY PACKED cups of basil leaves

1/2 cup olive oil

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1/4 cup pine nuts

2-3 cloves garlic, peeled

Just put it all in a food processor, and blend. You could add salt and/or pepper to taste, if you like. Stir into hot drained pasta.

This recipe makes a pesto that's more like a paste than a sauce. When it hits the sauce, the oil makes it mix in really well. It is very basil-y.
Mmm I love pesto! I haven't posted in this thread for the past week or so because we were in Seattle. I did buy a gigantic container of pesto from our favorite Italian grocery store though. The 2 pound container cost $12. We love pesto so I'm quite pleased to have it!

While we were in Seattle, we went out to eat or had leftovers every night! For dinner when we got home on Friday, we had a yummy Indian curry from a pouch that we bought at Trader Joe's down in Washington (we got all 7 varieties to take home and eat over the next few months), steamed rice, and steamed broccoli and cauliflower. Saturday night, we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant to celebrate my last day of work! Last night, I made the baked tofu recipe again that I first made a couple weeks ago, had it with more steamed rice and more steamed broccoli (broccoli is Paul's favorite). Tonight I had lots to do and we ended up having hot dogs and beets. Kind of weird but whatever.

Paul and I are trying to eat healthier. Most of the stuff I cook is fairly healthy, but we're going to focus on eating more veggies and less of the main course. So like half the plate will be veggies, 1/4 will be a grain like rice or pasta, and 1/4 whatever protein.
Well I just finished making some pesto as I picked TONS of basil this morning. I made it with walnuts as I dont' have pinenuts and its super yummy! I made lots(fills a 1liter container!) and i'm going to freeze some. Tomorrow i'm going to make pesto pasta and chicken for dinner. Can't wait!

Tonight we are having company over. We are having T bone steaks, baked potatoes, carrots and beans, sauted mushrooms and ceasar salad. Oh and for an appetizer we are haivng my pesto on toasted french bread. Delicious!
No ones posted in here for a week! Don't let the thread die!

Sunday we went to a Mexican themed potluck and brought a giant pan of enchiladas. Had the leftovers for the next 2 nights. The recipe is one of our favorites though so no complaints!

If anyone wants to make the enchiladas, they're embarrassingly easy and not remotely authentic. My family's been making the recipe for decades though.

Sour Cream Enchiladas

1.5 pounds ground turkey
big can of sliced olives
7 oz and 4 oz can chopped green chiles (can add some jalapenos too)
2 cans cream of chicken soup
16 ounces sour cream
about half a pound of shredded cheese
salt and pepper to taste
8 flour tortillas
sliced green onions
chopped tomatoes

Saute the ground turkey on the stove. Mix together the chiles, soup, half the olives, and sour cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix half of the sauce in with the cooked turkey. Spoon 1/8 of the mixture in each tortilla with a bit of cheese, roll up and place in a greased 9 by 13 pan. Pour the rest of the sauce over top and spread to cover. Bake, covered with foil, for about half an hour in a 350 oven. Remove foil and sprinkle with more cheese, the rest of the olives, the sliced green onions and the tomatoes. Return to oven until cheese is melted.

I'm thinking of making this recipe for dinner tomorrow since I happen to have all of the ingredients already:

Shiloh those sound yummy!

I've been super busy canning, watermelon jelly, watermelon rind pickles, bread &butter pickles, dills, tomato sauce, peaches... etc. I have found time to make some good meals this week. I made Zucchini fritters which were delish, will find the recipe again if anyone wants it - I got it online.

Last night I tried to make roasted butternut squash Galette's (like a tart) but didn't make it - I got the dough done and part of the filling but then spent an house herding sheep so we had a quick chicken/rice dinner instead. But I am going to make them tonight along with some roasted asparagus or something.... will let you know how they turn out!
Donna, I have never had watermelon jelly before! Never even thought of it. How do you make it and what does it taste like? How did your galette turn out?

I ended up making the Orange Tofu recipe. I used too much corn starch on the tofu slices so the outside got really hard and we had to break through the "armor". I thought the orange sauce was delicious, but Paul thought it was too orangey. I should have known to expect that since he's not a big fan of lemon or lime in savory foods either (though he loves lemon meringue pie, we're actually having one at our wedding!). He was really hungry though so ate it all anyway.

I have no idea what I'm going to make tomorrow, we might just have baked potatoes and steamed veggies!
I'd be interested in the zuchini fritter recipe as we have TONS of zuchini from the garden.

Also I'd like to hear your dill pickle recipe. Today was my first attempt at canning/making pickles. It went easier then I thought and didn't take very long. The hard part is now waiting for the pickles to be ready to eat and see if they turned out. I"m a pickle addict.

Tomorrow i'm going to attempt Pickled beets. Any recipes for those?

Tonight i'm making kung pao chicken & veggies over brown rice for supper. Although it might be more of a afternoon supper, as I'm starving now and its only 3pm.
I can't think what to have for dinner! It's a little after 6, Paul will be home in an hour and I have a headache. Any ideas?
SnowyShiloh wrote:
I can't think what to have for dinner! It's a little after 6, Paul will be home in an hour and I have a headache. Any ideas?
What kind of stuff do you have handy? The meal we always have on those kind of days is just spaghetti. Fast, easy and we always have noodles and sauce on hand.