Well-Known Member
Last night we had chicken kiev, spuds and carrots with pepper cream sauce over it, first time I've been at home for dinner in ages! Yum!
you get him too?Tonight, I tried a recipe from Jamie Oliver's "Jamie's Dinners." I tried his version
BethM wrote:you get him too?Tonight, I tried a recipe from Jamie Oliver's "Jamie's Dinners." I tried his versionh34r2:nerves1
Mm that stir fry sounds good! Also, my coleslaw is essentially the same as yours Jen, except I use lemon juice and vinegar and add some sugar. And I use all low fat mayo instead of the yogurt, mayo and salad cream. I guess that may sound like a lot of changes, but considering how many variations there are on coleslaw, I think they're pretty similar.
It was really delicious, but it must beSERIOUSLY unhealthy! Next time, I might try to do more spinach and less Parmesan. Also, more garlic.Aaaah that pasta sounds SO good! I wish it didn't have about 3 ingredients that I can't eat lol!