What color is this mini rex?

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New Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Walla Walla, Washington, USA
Hello all! I'm wondering if anyone could inform me as to what color this little mini rex is? I still have a lot of learning to do with color genetics, and this one completely stumped me!

My only guess, is perhaps a poorly marked black tort :? But then there seems to be the presence of the agouti modifier...

I would say a Tortoise.

SOP Description: Surface color of the body is to be a bright rusty red-orange which blends to a smoky gray-black on the flanks, head, belly, and feet. The surface color is to extend well down the the hair shaft to an off white undercolor. The shading on the head is to be darkest at the whisker bed and is to blend into a lighter shading along the jawline. The ears are match shading color. Upper side of the tail should match the upper body color and the underside of the tail should match the shadings as nearly as possible. Toenails to be dark. Eyes--Brown

Faults: Smutty tinge obscuring the rich orange saddle color; point color or shading color too light; scattered white hairs.

Disqualifications: White belly or tail; white toenails, white spot.

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