What color is this mini rex?

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New Member
Jan 10, 2012
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Walla Walla, Washington, USA
Hello all! I'm wondering if anyone could inform me as to what color this little mini rex is? I still have a lot of learning to do with color genetics, and this one completely stumped me!

My only guess, is perhaps a poorly marked black tort :? But then there seems to be the presence of the agouti modifier...

What color is the belly? He looks similar to my castor, but the layers are all mixed up. Perhaps it is just Gary, but he has a creamy layer on his belly, then milk chocolate all over, then just a sprinkling of dark chocolate on top. That's how he got the name Ghirardelli :)
I was also thinking that too, but there's a lack of white ear lacing, eye circles, triangle, etc.

Or is it genetically possible for the rufus factor to dominate in those areas?

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