Well-Known Member
Most people rebreed within 3 days (the doe willbe most receptive then). I tend to wait a bit more and let the doe havea couple of weeks off before getting pregnant again - or sometimes Ijust give them a month or so off. Then again, I try to only breed them2 or at most 3 times per year.
Some breed early am some breed later in the afternoon. Ifshe's receptive to the buck and wanting to breed - it won't matter -she'll breed so easy that it will be amazing.
I like to let my buck breed the doe 3 times as it means she'll havemore babies and smaller kits - or so I've been told. At least it worksfor me - haven't had any stuck kits yet and nice size litters.
The doe doesn't mind either. Sometimes I will walk away andleave them alone after I see the first breeding (if the doe isreceptive) and come back later only to find the doe doesnt' want toleave the buck and will hide behind him. When that happens, I let thedoe stay with the buck till she's ready to come out - maybe aroundsupper time or the next morning.
HOWEVER - lionheads (at least my lionheads) are pretty mild manneredand have easy-going temperaments. I wouldn't leave a temperamental doein with a buck unattended at all. I'm just talking about some of mygirls.....
Some breed early am some breed later in the afternoon. Ifshe's receptive to the buck and wanting to breed - it won't matter -she'll breed so easy that it will be amazing.
I like to let my buck breed the doe 3 times as it means she'll havemore babies and smaller kits - or so I've been told. At least it worksfor me - haven't had any stuck kits yet and nice size litters.
The doe doesn't mind either. Sometimes I will walk away andleave them alone after I see the first breeding (if the doe isreceptive) and come back later only to find the doe doesnt' want toleave the buck and will hide behind him. When that happens, I let thedoe stay with the buck till she's ready to come out - maybe aroundsupper time or the next morning.
HOWEVER - lionheads (at least my lionheads) are pretty mild manneredand have easy-going temperaments. I wouldn't leave a temperamental doein with a buck unattended at all. I'm just talking about some of mygirls.....