what can i do? he doesn't like me try much

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Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
denver, Colorado, USA
So I have a male mini lop that I rescued off my street. He has been all checked out and in good health but he doesn't particularly like me or has a happy cheeky demeanor. i pet him and hold him and put him out side on occasion but I still think there is more i could be doing... I just don't know what ... Please help i want to make him more happy.
It can take a long time for a rabbit to bond. Their DNA says everything is out there to eat them :) so with that being said, they aren't very trusting.

I'm from the mindset to let them move at their own pace. Let him observe you in your daily activity and make sure he has access to your but in essence, ignore him.

Let him come up to you for smells and such but don't force much yet. Let him see that you aren't there to harm him.

End your meetings on happy notes. Offer treats or rewards when he makes progress towards more trust. And again, it can take time. I've heard months sometimes, so don't stress yet.

Good luck!
Your welcome!

And on another note. It could very well be that your bun IS very happy :) if you can pet him and hold him and he isn't thumping at your, grunting, ears back or worse yet biting, he may be doing fine.

There are some good stickies on here about learning to speak bunny and bonding that may help you out. He may be giving subtle signs that he is content that you may not realize.

I think it sounds like you have a great start already and you are doing great :)
Bunny bribes can do wonders sometimes ;)
Find his favourite treat/veggie/whatever, and make him come to you, make it so that he wants to come see you because you've got the good stuff.
When I first brought my girl home I just sectioned off a part of the living room where she couldn't get into anything and I just sat there watching TV. She would come up to me and sniff me and explore. I just kept sitting there doing my thing and let her crawl all over me. Eventually we could just hang out and play. She loves chasing shoe laces and seeing what she can get into.

The trick is not over doing it and smothering them with hugs and holding. Some buns just don't like to be held. They are very curious though and will come to play with time :)
@ I_heart_fragles
no he is not I talked to several different vets and a majority of them had ill opinions about neutering him because its hard on the rabbits respiratory system.
TT16 wrote:
@ I_heart_fragles
no he is not I talked to several different vets and a majority of them had ill opinions about neutering him because its hard on the rabbits respiratory system.

I would keep searching for a rabbit savvy vet in your area and see what they say. I had the same problem....kept talking to these vets that didn't seem to encourage fixing. But most of the advice I got on this forum said otherwise. I finally found a vet that specialized in bunnies and really got an adequate education on the importance of fixing. Most nearly every rabbit guru will tell you how important it is. :) there definitely are risks that you have to weigh personally to decide, but it is worth looking in to.

Good luck! :)