What breeds do some of you have ?

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CHEE65 wrote:
Ireally love the mini lops but the more and more I see pictures of theflemish giants I am falling in love with them too.Hmmmm. No, I must resist because I am running out ofroom.

Resistance is futile. Flemish Giant mommies and daddies will make sure that you are assimilated ASAP.....


a VERY happy Flemish owner who gets frustrated sometimes but would have a houseful of Flemish if she could...
sandstorm wrote:
i'm not quite sure what breed mine is but i know she is alop.:bunnyangel:

Very pretty! Her color (in the US) would be called "Japanese Harlequin" -- she might be called a Mini Lop in the UK.

I have a mini lop and a French lop as of yesterday.



I have one himalayan mini rex called Russel, oneharlequin coloured mini lop called Flop and two lionheads, one whitecalled Roxy and one himalayan coloured called Nibbles!!!
Some questions...Is an"American"actually a breed.? Is a palomino a coloror a breed? Is a holland lop always black and white? If a bunny is amixed breed is that what you call it?
Yes, American is a breed of rabbit.

Palomino is a breed of rabbit.

Hollands come in a wide variety of colors. I myself have an opal and a chinchilla Hollands.

A mix is usually referred to as a mix a mutt or heinz 57.

Here is the link to the ARBA Website breed photo page. Clinkingon most pictures will take you to that breed''s club where you canlearn more about that breed. I hope this helps.

