Please don't breed just to breed. Creating a new breed takes years of dedication. You have to be a member of ARBA and you have to do extensive research on genetics and I won't go into depth on how much you will have to breed. You would not be able to breed just once. You would have to have hundreds of top quality animals, to achieve a new breed status, maybe not at once but with a couple of years hundreds of animals would have passed by you. Becoming a COD holder is also very difficult and you would have to develop a standard for that breed you want to create. It would take a minimum of three years just to get them presented and accepted. Assuming that you pass each presentation and also assuming you have already talked to ARBA to get the COD.
If you are still thinking of creating a new breed, let me tell you it does NOT take just three short years, its more like 20 short years. Lionheads took forever to get accepted and there were multiple COD holders that had to drop the presentation or they failed it. There also many different colors, yet only two colors passed in lionheads.
Please don't breed unless you plan on dedicating your life to developing a new, healthy and unique breed. Thank you.