"There is definitely some Hotot in the mix"
What makes you think that? Do you realize how rare a hotot is?
There are a LOT of breeds that can have that kind of coloring, not just english spots, rhinelanders, checkered giants, or hotots.
That would be considered a charlie. That would mean that it came from two broken colored parents, and that it has two broken genes, giving it a lighter color pattern.
It looks like a lop cross of some form. He has really wide lop type ears. He also has a very large, broad head.
I bet that he is some kind of dwarf/lop cross.... Lop crosses usually wont have lopped ears. Especially with such small ears. The crown that they have to make their ears lop is a band of caratlidge that makes their ears lop. When you cross them with an up earred rabbit, you loose that.