What breed is my bunny?

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Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
I just bought this bunny for my girlfriend and we are wanting to make her a nice big home. I would like to know what breed she is that away I can size the home according to how big she may get. Any estimate on age of the rabbit would also be great. Thanks in advance :)

Here are some links to pictures of her. I can take more pictures if need be.
Derpy Ears 1
Derpy Ears 2
Derpy Ears 3

I definitely say some kind of arch typed or running breed rabbit. The head looks exactly like a baby English Spot's. But the spots are not right on the side of the body. Here is a video that I made about the english spot maybe you can see something we cant with pictures


Maybe a Spot or Checkered Giant mix? It really depends on how big she would get. Judging with how big my tans (also a running breed) get I would guess 2-3 mos
I've been looking up rabbit breeds and I'm leaning a bit towards mini rex with some of the pictures I've seen like this

Except Derpy has longer ears, so she may be a standard rex, I'm not really sure, just speculation. The mini rex is also said to be a pretty common breed.
She would not be a rex, at least not a full rex. Rex rabbits have short, plush, velvety fur.

She could be a mix of a rex and something else... but I'm leaning more towards a different mixed breed.

I want to say a New Zealand or Satin mix.
We won't know until baby grows up, but my guess is a relitively small to medium mixed breed. The rabbit doesn't have a short rex coat, but as mentioned, could be a mix with Mini Rex.
I think she could be an English Spot or Checkerd Giant mix, but where did you get her? Pet stores will usually not sell large breeds.
Actually a guy on the side of the road was selling bunnies. We stopped to look and had to get her. The other bunnies were either pure brown or pure white, she was the only broken one.

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