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I think matching up bunny pals is all just trialand error... either they'll get along or they won't. I know Megan getsalong with Tucker... she actually started chasing him around and tryingto jump on him, and get under him..lol. They were licking eachother itwas the cutest thing I ever saw :)


Pam and Carolyn, I just moved into a house where the whole basement is PINK!

The walls, shelves, carpet, baseboards, doors......bleck...lol
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
I think matching up bunny pals is all just trial anderror... either they'll get along or they won't. I know Megan getsalong with Tucker... she actually started chasing him around and tryingto jump on him, and get under him..lol. They were licking eachother itwas the cutest thing I ever saw :)


Pam and Carolyn, I just moved into a house where the whole basement is PINK!

The walls, shelves, carpet, baseboards, doors......bleck...lol

I think the pink basement would win the most hideous house prize LOL

PINK????? For a BASEMENT?????

WHAT were they Thinkin????
lmao, yeah, it's pretty gross, there is one partthat's not pick, they, for some reason, put up kitchen cupboards in therec room, and painted them GREEN with pink counter top..... eeeew lol
It's still pink...lol, we've only been here amonth. My mom is planning on changing the color soon though! I'll haveto relocate my bunny for the time being since I wouldn't dare put herin a paint fumed room :)
lmao, there's a house here in town that brightpink, I mean you can't look at it when it's sunny out! And it haspurple doors and trim all over it, it's gross!

Anyway, on a sad note, my parents said no to rescuing CC:Xshe's probably going to a meat buyer or going to be put outin an outdoor pen with no top cover so hawks and cats can get atthem.:( And they can just dig out too. My parents said Ican't save all the bunnies in the world, but they don't understand thatsaving one helps. We need more animal lovers like us in the world.
I'm sorry -- I know it must bevery hardfor you. Perhaps you can do your part by educating others onthe responsibility of owning a pet rabbit and promote the spaying andneutering of pets. We I had my 4-H club, we set up a boothand handed out "Rabbits and Easter Don't Mix" flyers and answeredquestions about the responsibilty of owning a rabbit.

There are many ways you can help out without actually having to rescueevery rabbit. I know it's hard to let this one go and it isheartbreaking, but don't let this incident be in vain!Perhaps now you are being called to do something and make a differencethat will help to save the lives are far more rabbits than just one.

Good Luck!

I'm totally for getting pets fixed to prevent moreover population but there is no place to talk about that kind of thinghere. I just wish pet stores would not be allowed to sell animals (it'svery cruel to them in there, around here they stare them so they seemfriendlier and come up to people thinking they have food) and justrefer people to animal shelters. I would also highly suggest notgetting rid of rabbits around Easter if you want them to go to a goodhome because chances are, they will be "throw-aways" after about amonth because people just don't understand. But one person can't make astand up here to get anything done so now, it's just on to donating toanimal shelters.
Aha! I found the picture I've been searching for!It's Mocha at 6 weeks old! Doesn't he look like an angel, (mind you, heWAS) this was just after bringing him home and he was scared being awayfrom his mom for the first time. He used to fit in the palm ofmyhand, tough luck if I tried that now! lmao.

I know I post a lot, but hey, that makes it fun! lol.

Greetings Pamnock,

That was a Great Post. Thank you for the idea. I shall check out the4-H Clubs and the Girl Scouts too as my niece is of that age. It's awonderful idea. I haven't seen that sort of thing around here. It's toolate this year for Easter, but at least we can get it on next year'sagenda.


No wonder you made it all the way with that attitude. *High 5*


* * * * * * * * * * * *

M&SMom, gotta love those baby pictures. So pure and innocent.
Wow, Mocha has sooooooo many different "looks"

His colouring is amazing, very similar to Jezebel's in theway of the light patches she is starting to get and that V onthe head (which we lovingly refer to as the initial for Vixen forher) Her coat seems to be getting darker on thetop, I cant wait until she is finished morphin her coloursand I see the final result, which leads me to ask.....Do they reach anage where the colours are final?

HB104 wrote:
Wow, Mocha has sooooooo many different "looks"

His colouring is amazing, very similar to Jezebel's in theway of the light patches she is starting to get and that V onthe head (which we lovingly refer to as the initial for Vixen forher) Her coat seems to be getting darker on thetop, I cant wait until she is finished morphin her coloursand I see the final result, which leads me to ask.....Do they reach anage where the colours are final?


Some colors can change quite a bit after/during a moult for the rest ofthe rabbits life. This is most common is the shaded colorssuch as siamese sable.

Champagne D'Argents are born pure black and continue to lighten with age, turning nearly white when very old.

lol, I actually named him Mocha so I could call him"Mo" as when he was a baby, he had this little mohawk that didn'tdisappear until he was about 7 months. And at the rate he's going, hewill be chocolate before long! lol.

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