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Sep 9, 2008
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San Antonio, Texas, USA
Hi me and my bunny are new to this forum and welcome any information you can provide for us. We have only been together for about 2 weeks. Bunny has some human interaction issues and likes to bite. So far we are going slow and using "chinning" as a way to calm him.
Hello and Welcome to RO!

If your bunny is agressive it might help to get him neutered but here is a thread from the library about agression to help you.


Hope you enjoy looking around the forum and posting!

Bye for now

Becca x
That is my plan, but so far all the vets I have called do not neuter Rabbits and can not or will not give me any one who will. I know there are some in Austin but its such a far drive.
Oh Okay!

Here is a thread from the library of vet listings:

Welcome to the forum! This is a great forum for asking questions, posting pictures of your furry friend. Lots of friendly helpful people here.

Welcome to the forum. I'm Amanda.
Peg (TinysMom) lives in Del Rio and she may be able to point you in the direction of a vet in San Antonio who will neuter, as she has had some bunnies neutered :).

Welcome to the forum :biggrin2:!
Here is the link to my Youtube bunny video. Its kinda dark but you can see my bunny.



You and your darling NZ white are going to do just fine.

Its fantastic to see a new rabbit owner looking for information, shows you are a great new bun Mum (or Dad), you will have to let us know more about you, we look forward to pics too,

Thanks for the video:D

It takes a longish time to bond with new bunners, are you sure he is a he?

Where did you get him.

he looks in great health, sleek coat.

Here on RO you will find out everything you need to know about diet, behaviour etc, just go around and post your own new threads or search for "bonding" in the nutrition and behaviour section.
If you need ANY help, PM one of our Mods or post your questions.

Look forward to hearing more of how it goes,

Yeah my doe Jazz lets me hold her for 30 seconds before she tried to bite my arm.
She much prefers a to petted when she is firmly on the ground but I have to corner her for cuddles..lol
She much prefers to be left alone.
My other bunners come to me for cuddles but Jazz is the independent sort...kind of feisty and bossy too.

Hunny bunny came from a farm in Boerne (prononced Bernie), Tx. He was kept in a small wire pin along side his father and brother. His orgional owners did not know that they had male and female rabbits until the femaled had babbies. After they were weaned the family gave the mother away and all of the baby bunnies but Hunny Bunny and one of his brothers and his father. Hunny Bunny was kept outside in a lean - to type shelter and was never a house rabbit until he came home with us.

I have never owned a rabbit before. I have owned ferrets, birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, digs, cats, but not bunnies. I was/am a member of CavyCages.com and when I had my guinea pigs I used their ideas on cage setup and I followed the same example with our rabbit. I would have liked to make it longer and wider, as of right now its 5 feet long and 2 feet wide. I live in a 2nd floor apartment so the bunny does not get outdoor time. He does come out of his cage to hop around my bedroom. We keep him in my room and away from the 3 toddlers my daughter babysits.

He has bitten my grandaughter a couple of times when we first got him. When I am vacuming out his cage he tries to nip my ankle and he will chase the Dust buster when I am cleaning. Since he had little to none human interaction since birth he is still afraid of us. I do get in his cage and sit with him and "chin" him and pet him without picking him up. He HATES being picked up.

Thanks everyone for your kind welcome and words of encouragement.
When we tried to save Tiny's life in February- we drove into San Antonio on a Saturday morning and wound up going to Ten West Bird and Animal Vet Clinic - and it was the best choice we could've made.

When the vet walked into the examining room and saw Tiny - a big smile came across her face and she said, "Oh...I love rabbits". From the sound of her voice - and the way she handled him - that was true.

He hated being handled - but when she put her hands on him - after about 10 seconds - he relaxed - it was like he knew that she liked rabbits. He sensed it....and he did really well with her.

Unfortunately - we still lost him over the weekend - and when they called on Monday to check on him - the technician who called was shocked that he'd passed away as they really expected him to pull through.

I expected a bill of at least $200- we had the exam on a Saturday - plus his meds and tests and stuff. But the bill was VERY reasonable...

I am so impressed with them that IF I have Miss Bea neutered (she's over 4 years old and has allergies that can affect her breathing - so I'm nervous about having her put under)....I will see if I can have the bloodwork done here - and then take her into the city and stay overnight and have her neutering done there if they'll do it.

Yeah - that's like a 150 mile trip one way to get her neutered....but I was that impressed with the vet and her love of rabbits.

(We did disagree a bit on Tiny's treatment - but I am convinced now that he was worse off than we knew in spite of the exam, etc - and she was soooo good to him).

Their website is: www.tenwestvet.com

Ten West Bird and Animal Hospital
12727 Mountain Air
San Antonio, TX 78249

I don't know what side of San Antonio you're on - but even if I was all the way across the city - or outside the city on the other side - I'd take my rabbits to them. I really really liked the vet that much.

I am sorry for the loss of your bunny.

Thank you so much for your help. Acutally that area is not that far away. I work over there so I am very familar with the area. I will be giving them a call on Monday.

Agian, thanks so much for this information! Your great.

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