He did great at the vet. He wasnervous, but all our bunns seem to like Dr.Roberts!Socks settled in and just sat calmly on hislap. The vet thinks that a bit more chewing will sort itout!His front teeth are worn on an angle nothingtoo bad.
An updated blog will be added soon!

I still have to add Dandelion too! I have fallen behind!
Dandelion figured out there is another bunny!

Hewas sniffing the carrier today at the vet. The other kidshave no idea yet. Dandi doesn't seem to carereally. He is too busy competing with Skittles for dominantbunn position!
The cats didn't look impressed last night! Then again
anything is better than another cat! They have alreadydecided they like him! Footise and Socks were nose to nosetoday and seem to approve of each other! He isn't nervousaround the cats at all. Which is nice. He's verycalm and seems happy!
We are slowly introducing him to the same veggies as the other kids areon! We feed 5-6 different types of greens a night so we don'twant to change his diet too fast and make his tummy sick! Hiseye were huge last night when we brought his veggies in! Ithink with the excitement he wasn't counting on getting anyveggies!

We have started to switch his pellets overtoo! It's hard since he likes the new pellets and tries topick them all out!! So much for switchinggradually! LOL