We're bringing Socks home today!

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
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Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Well I guess I'd better head to bed after this!:) Tony and I are leaving at about 10am tomorrow to meet Angie(HazelSocks) and bring Socks to his new home! I don't have a digital camera so I'll have to wait till the end of the month till I can post some pics! :?

YAY! I finally get to meet our new boy!! :D I'm so not getting sleep tonight! LOL:D

Yay! I'm so excited for you!

Let us know how he is doing once you get him home :)

Can't wait to see pictures of the handsome fellow when you get a camera.
:highfive:I think we are all just as excited to see this work out!! :grouphugSocks is such a doll and is so lucky to be coming to his new forever home!!:group

Keep us posted! :groupparty:

Yay, that's awesome! I can't believe we have to wait for pics ;).

I would like to start a white paw fan club. I love those white feet on Socks and JJ!




Awesome! Can't wait to see pictures of Socks in his new home:bunnydance::colors::bunnydance:
Ok we are back!:):bunnydance:

Everything went great! We picked up Socks and he has just been settled into his new hutch!:D He is nosing around everywhere looking at everything!:D He is a gorgeous little man! He looks so tiny in his new house! I think we may have over done it! (a little);)

Angie and her mom are super nice people! :D We finally got back to Guelph at 7:30pm; we left at 10am! We were on the road for over 9 hours!Tony and Ifigured it would be 6 hours round trip! So we were a little behind...but stillwe made it home safe so all's well that ends well!:D Hopefully Angie and her mom made a little better time headed the other way!

My sis has the digital camera! Tony was trying to get the one from work but they are all booked out! Everytime I go out to buy a camera I end up staring at them and I HATE the thought of spending that much on something so small! LOL :D I will have to just give in and get one! So maybe around the end of August sometime! I really need to update our Blog --again!:D

Nighty night guys! I'm one tired bunny mom!:D
Yay! I'm glad to hear the little man is home. Nine hours... that's awhile, but I'm sure it will be well worth it for the little dear. How did he do on the trip? How big is his hutch, just curious? And drats about the camera. But it's probably better to let him settle in, and you should get some sleep, too! BUT I expect pictures soon ;)

Im so happy to hear that everything went well!!! Socks is one lucky little man.

Keep us updated on how he's settling in! and give him a little kiss from me :):kiss:

The hutch we built him is made of black NIC panels. It's 3 panels wide by 2 panels deep by 4 panels high. It has three carpeted levels and brick look sticky tiles on the bottom. I think the overall measurements were 29" X 43 [suB][suP]1/2[/suP][/suB]" X 57 [suP][suB]3/4[/suB][/suP]". I think Socks weighs about 1.5 - 2 pounds! :D A little big! LOL Lots of room to grow though!

He handled the trip great! He doesn't like big trucks at all! He just sat and watched out the window! He is eating and drinking right now, so I don't think he is overly stressed at all! I think he will settle in just fine!:) He already seems to prefer Tony over me!;)I think he is going to be a daddys boy!

Does anyone know what breed he might be? We are going to the vet in the morning and I know they are going to ask! He and JJ look so much the same I was wondering if they were an actual breed?

Awww, great to hear that he's doing so great. And yes, I'd say that condo is a GREAT size for the little guy. I assumed from his picture that he was small, but not quite THAT small, lol! Ah, well. All the better to exercise in. My instincts tell me that he's probably an adorable mixed breed. How old is he? I feel like there must be another thread about this little man somewhere that I missed while I was on vacation, lol. :)
spoiled bunny alert!

what a huge cage..wow! Mr. Tumnus has a cage 1/2 that size (3 wide, 2 deep, 2 high) and it seems really big for him...I cant imagine one double that size. maybe you will have to get him a lady friend to fill up some of that space :)

Jess, heres the link for Sock's thread http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=14015&forum_id=7

So glad he's settling in well!

Haley-I was lobbying for the fuzzy lop we found! He is apparently a she! Now don't you think that would be a cute match!!?? Tony says he'll dig a hole and bury me in the backyard if I do! LOL :D I think I am done bunny farming for now!LOL ;) We are considering getting rid of the wood hutch and giving the Hooligans one like this! They'd be over the moon with something like that! Yuppers! I've got spoiled bunns!:D
Thanks for the link, I just knew I was missing something! :) I second the thought of tossing the wooden hutch.

Edit: just read his post. I'd say he has some sort of an arched breed mixed in there, because he appears to be fully-arched from one of the pictures. Perhaps a little Britiana Petite? He looks similar to one, although I'm not sure about those markings that he has. They're small, too... 2 1/2 lbs and under.
Maybe Socks is a Dutch/Dwarf cross.

Whatever he is, he is absolutely adorable. I love his markings.

Please kiss that white spot on his nose for me!


The vet checked Socks overtoday.:) He is 3 pounds 4.5 ounces. Histeeth are a little off but nothing too bad. The vet wants usto increase his chewing (hay toys etc) to see if that helps.Other than that his incision is healing fine and he is a healthy littleguy!:D Since the other kids had to get Invermectin...so didhe, poor boy!:) He is settling in great! He is outhopping around his hutch and checking things out. He was alittle freaked by the cats at first...but just ignores them now!:D

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