New Member
I have five bunnies... three females I got from a friend and two females I got from a breeder. Well they are all in the same huge cage (that basically takes up my entire heated garage). They were getting a long wonderfully... until the other night I noticed them really fighting. So I removed the two from the breeder (they were the ones causing all the issues). That was Monday night... so Tuesday morning I go in to feed them and what do I find but this....
first pic in attachments
BABIES! I was SHOCKED... because I was positive I had all girls. Well obviously I was wrong haha So now... I checked the two from the breeders and yep def one of them is a boy. I just trust the breeder and took her word for it. UGh haha So I could be having anywhere from 2-3 more litters if he caught all of the other females. I am like oh crap how am I going to take care of all of these bunnies and where am I going to put all of them?! But, at the same time I'm really excited.
They will be ready to wean/sell by Easter so hopefully that works out.
I thought I would make a thread and update everybody on their growth and progress. So definitely keep checking this for pic updates.
Here they are at two days old.. definitely seven babies in there!
second pic in attachments
At four days old... (today) starting to get their fur.
third pic in attachments
fourth pic in attachments
I'm actually surprised that in 4 days there hasn't been another litter. So who knows maybe he only got on of them pregnant or they were all like a week apart. We will see!
I will keep you up to date on this litter and any more if they come along.
I thought this would be a fun thread! hehe Instead of the crazy cat lady I'm going to be the crazy bunny lady bahahaha
Daddy is on the right (when he was a baby)
fifth pic in attachments
Momma is front left... when she was a baby.
obviously last pic in attachments
I am new to the forum.... so how about that for an introduction? lol

first pic in attachments
BABIES! I was SHOCKED... because I was positive I had all girls. Well obviously I was wrong haha So now... I checked the two from the breeders and yep def one of them is a boy. I just trust the breeder and took her word for it. UGh haha So I could be having anywhere from 2-3 more litters if he caught all of the other females. I am like oh crap how am I going to take care of all of these bunnies and where am I going to put all of them?! But, at the same time I'm really excited.
I thought I would make a thread and update everybody on their growth and progress. So definitely keep checking this for pic updates.
Here they are at two days old.. definitely seven babies in there!
second pic in attachments
At four days old... (today) starting to get their fur.
third pic in attachments
fourth pic in attachments
I'm actually surprised that in 4 days there hasn't been another litter. So who knows maybe he only got on of them pregnant or they were all like a week apart. We will see!
I will keep you up to date on this litter and any more if they come along.
Daddy is on the right (when he was a baby)
fifth pic in attachments
Momma is front left... when she was a baby.
obviously last pic in attachments
I am new to the forum.... so how about that for an introduction? lol