Hopping back in for a moment....
Carolyn, yes...Raph was an English lop. And he's the first animal I've ever had with whom I felt such an enormous connection. I've had close connections with all the animals who came into my life - especially with Kaya (my dog) and Snooch (a cat I had many years ago, he was a very close soulmate), but with Raph it was even more different. I felt it before he even came into my life...I felt it when I saw his photo online, the one the breeder had posted. I even knew in some sense that he would have physical problems, and that he wouldn't be with me for very long. The moment I sent payment for him, I felt physically ill, *knowing* there was something wrong...and that there would be some hard times ahead. But the most unique thing about him is the fact that after his passing, even though I mourned his physical presence, I don't feel as though he's ever left. I feel him with me every moment of every day, and there is so much comfort in that.
So far Yofi and Anna haven't officially met, but the other day I took Yofi out to the yard on a harness, and Anna was running around. She spotted Yofi and came hopping over, sniffed him, then bit him on the rear and took off! It will most likely take her a while to get used to his presence. I'm hoping to bond them, but if they wind up needing their own space, then that's the way it will be. With Queen Anna one never knows.

Oh, and Yofi is named after archangel Yofiel, and his name means 'divine beauty'. He is an angel of September, which I thought quite fitting, and Yofiel is also known to cure stupidity in humans. LOL!
Ditty, your daughter is a real charmer! And I agree, she does look very very much like her mom.
And it's good to see you posting, Steph! Been a long time (and I'm terrible at keeping in touch with people). I hope you do post a pic of your daughter with the bunnies; would love to see her. Almost 2 years old! Boy, how time flies.
Oh, and Peg, I see that Tiny likes Night Of The Lepus! That reminds me...has anyone here seen 'The Matrix'? I watched it for the first time a week or so ago, and I swear, there was a scene where Neo goes to meet the Oracle, and as he walks through a room with a bunch of children in it, on the tv in the background, Night Of The Lepus is playing! I could be wrong, but that's what it looked like.