Of course, I couldn't wait to read what the updates were on everyone, so I just did.
How great it is to see so many familiar faces back!!
Did anyone ever Google "Pam Nock"? Good Lord, Woman, you have an amazing amount of pages just on googling you. Did you read about Jesse's new Holland Lop?
Razzamattzz...you look as classy as you ever have in that picture. The glasses are to die for. One things for sure - you got stiiiile, Sista! How's Sebbie? Still neglected since you got that dog of yours?
Cher! I'm so glad to see that Jade and Jez are doing so well. I was quite worried about Jez for a bit there, but due to your wonderful and careful care, her life was once again saved. Bless your heart for keeping such good tabs on my babies.
HunnyBunny63, I think we all can relate to having our busy lives take over and before you know it, months have gone by. No worries about how often you stop by, just glad to see you here and although your little ones still don't take well to tolerating each other, I'm thrilled to hear all is normal in your corner of the world.
Ty-Bee!! Seems that you and your hubby made the best of your time together when he had leave, ey?!
Congratulations on Emma Grace! How are her siblings handling having another baby in the house? When your husband's 2 years are up, is he through with the Service? Good Lord, you've made so many sacrifices along with him to serve our country. I am truly grateful to you, him, and your children for what you have done. How does Mr. Peabody and the new cat get along? Hermit crabs are definitely interesting to watch.
BoBBunny, Congratulations on Heidi! I know we had some disagreements in the past, but I hope you have put that behind you as I have. Bygones. Having a child that drives would be almost too much for me to take on. I was just saying to my best friend this past weekend that I don't know how parents do it when they have to hand over their car to their 16 year old. :shock: I'm so glad to hear that Bo and Cloverbunny are doing well. Bo is such a gorgeous boy. He has always been one of my favorite of his breed. Such a stunning boy he is. By the way, in the book Life Lessons From Elvis, Elvis says: "It's cheaper to buy horses inbulk." Would be nice if we all had the extra cash hanging around, wouldn't it? He was a crazy fool when it came to horses. Absolutely adored them. One horse really put the screws to Raspberry. Ask her about it if you don't know.
Labell, glad to hear that things are busy, but all your babies are doing well. Write more when you have a chance.
Hi Ditty816! I'm sincerely so sorry to hear about Snuggles. God knows that no one could've loved ho, more. I'm sure you tried everything that you could. It's so terrible to lose them. I know the pain is raw at this point. I also know that Buck is giving him a lot of Love until the two of you are able to reunite again. As Buck would say, "Don't beat yourself up over the could've, would've, should'ves. You did everything you can."Most importantly you made his life on this earth a very happy and loving one. My heart goes out to you. You can be sure I'll be thinking and praying for you during these next few weeks. I hope that Sherbie and Rexie are able to comfort you. Congratulations on Kaitlyn Rose. I absolutely Love her name! Really nice choice.
Hi kpc,
I'm so sorry to hear you lost Blossom. Going from 50 down to 5 is quite a jump. I hope Blossom's babies are able to give you some comfort. How odd that you were just thinking of Buck yesterday, and voila - here's a tribute to him. This would've meant so much.
Hi Seniorcats!! :shock:Coney made it to 15 years old? Good Lord!! That gives me so much hope and it makes me so happy! I'm sick to death of people telling me Fauna's old. She's only 8 - and although I know that's supposed to be old for a rabbit, I refuse to acknowledge it for total fear on my part. I just know that Dubya, Coney,Frodo and Presley are up there playing with Buck and all his other bunny buddies. I feel certain that Buck Jones checks in on all of us and our babies. He had big arms and an even bigger heart. If anyone can handle the little ones when they get to the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, I know it's Buck. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else.
Bless Dr. Melody Frankenbunny, Wilbur Igor and M. Ali. So glad to hear that they're still getting into mischief and giving Mom some love and attitude when they feel the urge. So you named your newest cat, Sherman? Good Lord, I hope he's nicer to you than Sherman The King was to Dear 'Ol Bunnymommy! The hard time he gave her is a memory I'll always treasure.
As to The Missus, she's doing well. She has found Love and is enjoying herself quite a bit. Last I knew, Ernestine was doing wonderfully. She's such a sweet rabbit. The Missus definitely lucked out with her.
As someone noted, this is definitely fun! With all the new names, I had a hard time keeping up with the old friends.
Thanks to Pipp for her thoughtful tribute to Buck and in honoring our friendships.
Peace and Love to All,